NavTech Article Released & Adwords Approved

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

NavTech Article Released & Adwords Approved
It’s been an exciting week at for everyone involved in Nav Coin with the price reaching a new all time high against the US Dollar. The strategy team have released the NavTech explainer article they have been working hard on and have also had our Adwords campaign approved.

New All Time High Price

Nav Coin reached a new high against the US Dollar this week reaching $0.74 on Monday, seeing Nav Coin’s market cap top $45M USD.

Nav Coin Price Chart

This latest all time high is a milestone achievement for the New Zealand based team as it saw the price of 1 NAV surpass $1 NZD for the first time in the coin’s history. While the team are pleased to see increasing interest in Nav Coin, their primary concern is always, and will always be with building great software which helps to free people from centralized financial tyranny.

Adwords update

We’ve received good news from Google as our website has been approved to start serving ad’s on the Adwords platform, which means we can now run the banners from the community competition.

The banners have been running for the last couple of days and have received 26,112 impressions, and 44 clicks to the website. Our aim is to let this run for a couple of weeks to gather enough data, and then start optimising the account (e.g. adjusting bids based on devices, adding/removing keywords that we are targeting).

‘Guide to NavTech’ Article

We released our ‘Guide to NavTech’ article yesterday and it’s been doing very well. The aim of the article was to give an introduction of privacy coins and then break down how NavTech works (as well as our plan to make it even better). Feedback has been great and so far we’ve had 1,522 views on the Medium article, and 48 retweets on Twitter – and both of these are still growing.

Stats from Medium only. This doesn’t include views to articles on Nav Coin website / NewsBTC / Cryptocoins News.

These numbers will continue to grow as we have the article being re-published in NewsBTC & Cryptocoins News, and we put some advertising money behind it in Facebook.

You can view the original article here:

Or on the published outlets:

Marketing Channel Growth

Off the back of our price increase, we’ve experienced a growth spurt on our marketing channels in the last week, with nearly 1000 new twitter followers, and more than doubled our Reddit community with 962 subscribers.

Valuable Community Content

It’s been a great week for Nav Coin content with two community members (Colvano & Bocyaj) creating some very useful guides.

NavTechServers/Colvano has released a video that takes users step-by-step through the NavPi setup process. It’s professionally done, and very informative, so check it out here:

Bocyaj has created an in-depth guide on how Proof of Stake works, using Nav Coin as the main example. It’s very detailed and contains lots of great tips – so take a look here:

Website Translations

We have 3 new languages available on the website – Portuguese, Indonesian and Italian.

Next up to be translated are Japanese & Korean, which are currently being worked on. And we are still looking for someone to assist with a Chinese translation, so please email [email protected] if you are able to help.

Polymorph & NavPay

If you follow us on GitHub you will see that our development team continue to make progress on our current projects. We will give you a full update onPolymorph and the NavPay mobile wallet next week.

That’s all we have time for this week.

Talk Soon,
Nav Coin Team.


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