Is this the end of the internet known to us? - NOIA network

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

noia title.png


Have you ever wondered how the content from Steemit or any other page is delivered to your computer? How it is possible that my friend who lives in Malaysia will be able to read this text, which was written in Poland? After all, the distance between our homes amounts to about 9,000 kilometers in a straight line!


While many people have never traveled such distance, unimaginable amount of content is streamed across the world every day to be displayed on our screens. Internet has become essential for us to keep in touch with our friends (Facebook), share moments from our lives (Snapchat), earn money (Steemit) or even find a spouse (Tinder). I could give such examples endlessly, and it only proves that our necessity for the Internet is already huge and is increasing day by day. For this reason, the overall amount of content must be also increasing.

Considering these factors, a current internet distribution infrastructure will not be capable of holding such load in the future. In this article, I want to discuss a decentralized solution to create a network delivering content in a more efficient and less expensive way - NOIA. I will also show you how to set up your own NOIA node and start earning a passive income!


What is the problem?

Although the internet has become essential medium for us and its market is worth billions of dollars, the distribution infrastructure faces serious problems. First of all, it is devoid of integrity, as the main factor which has an impact on the broadband speed in a particular country is an economic development. For instance, there are countries in Africa, where majority of citizens simply cannot afford an internet connection, so the broadband speed is very rarely greater than 10 Mbps.

RegionBroadband Speed Greater than 10 Mbps (2017)
Asia Pacific53%
Latin America27%
North America64%
Western Europe54%
Central and Eastern Europe58%
Middle East and Africa17%

According to Cisco

In the past, whenever you wanted to watch a video, download an image or load a page, your computer had to connect directly to the main server where content was hosted. Your connection often had to travel across the world, and due to the lack of integrity, this usually involved latencies and very slow data transfer speed. This created a really serious challenge for website operators to deliver content efficiently to geographically distant end-points. As a solution to these problems, Content Delivery Networks have been established.


Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDN is a system of servers dispersed across the world whose main purpose is to store the content of the websites for later retrieval. Whenever computer sends a request to the particular website, it will be connected to the closest CDN server instead of the main server. This eliminates situation when web content has to travel thousands of kilometers in order to reaching the requester.


Advantages of the current CDN market

  • Improved accessibility - users all around the world can use the site in a much more efficient way. Due to that, the traffic on the site is significantly increased, thereby improving its Google rates and positioning.
  • Stronger security - CDN reduces the risk of a malicious software or DDoS attacks on the main server by creating an additional protecting layer between user and the main server.
  • Decreased expenses - CDN eliminates problem of handling high volume traffic and foreign hosting on local servers which can be extremely expensive. In addition, as the site becomes more popular, advertising profits will be significantly higher.
  • Minimized crashes - the traffic on the site can be distributed between CDN infrastructure, thereby decreasing the possibility of the crash during rush hours.

Disadvantages of the current CDN market

  • Cenralization - CDN infrastructure is distinctly centralized and depends on the biggest corporations, creating a risk of a single point of failure. For example, plenty of important websites have recently went down for 4 hours due to a human mistake in Amazon.
  • Limited geo-dispersion - there are still areas where CDN infrastructure cannot be placed or is not developed enough. For this reason, its advantages are significantly reduced.
  • High expenses - although CDN significantly reduces expenses, scaling bandwidth-intensive content worldwide is still prohibitively expensive.
  • Monopolization - current CDN market is singularly monopolized by Akamai and Amazon. This results in a situation where providers have full control over the prices and condition of the services.
  • Increasing demand for content - video content consumption is expected to grow four times by 2020. CDN infrastructure is not developing fast enough to efficiently deliver such amount of data.

What if we could have a global, decentralized network, which eliminates a majority of problems faced by current CDN infrastructure, while maintaining its benefits? I have to probably surprise you, but such infrastructure already exists and your computer may become a part of it!


NOIA comes with an appropriate solution

In every household there is a large number of bandwidth and storage resources that are not fully utilized every day. Separately those resources are unnecessary and useless, but NOIA combines them in order to form a widely distributed, powerful and decentralized layer of internet infrastructure.


Thanks to such approach problems faced by the conventional CDN infrastructure are eliminated. The network is fully independent and decentralized which avoids single point of failure and makes it more stable. Geo-dispersion is virtually unlimited since everyone across the world with internet access is able to set up a node. Expenses are significantly reduced, as there is no central point which controls the prices and website owners do not have to pay high margins to the CDN operators.

NOIA creates a fully independent economic ecosystem and a textbook example of a free market. Individuals can set up their own nodes, utilizing unused bandwidth resources in order to earn weekly rewards in NOIA tokens. On the other hand, website operators can distribute their content in a much more effective way in exchange for those tokens. Such situation enables a natural balance between demand and supply, and determines pertinent prices.


Architecture of NOIA

Proper operation of NOIA infrastructure is ensured by two separate layers:

Governance layer (Smart Contracts)

Governance layer is a set of Smart Contracts based on Ethereum blockchain which determine how the value expressed in NOIA tokens is transferred among the network. These Contracts cannot be modified or violated in any way, so transactions are performed fully autonomously, without any central form of control. The main competences of the Governance layer are:

  • Enable customers to purchase services - Smart Contract calculates how much of the service customer can acquire and determines the price expressed in NOIA tokens.
  • Reward Worker Nodes - Smart Contract pays out reward to the Worker Node according to its contribution to the network.

Content scaling layer (CSL)

Content scaling layer is a combination of three disruptive technologies: next-generation Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocols, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. It is mainly responsible for managing the way that content is distributed in order to improve its effectiveness. For example, machine learning may be used to predict increased demand for content in particular location or to estimate the fastest route to deliver the content. Its structure consists of 3 layers:

  • Cloud Controller - exercises control over nodes in order to ensure that content is distributed in the most secure and efficient way.
  • Master Node - initializes content processing and provides feedback to the Cloud Controller.
  • Worker Node - caches and delivers content to the user.


How does the Content Scaling work?


Once an user enters a website with CSL support, a content request is sent to the nearest Master Node, selected by Cloud Controller. Then Master Node checks if the content is available on any of the controlled Worker Nodes. If so, user starts to download data from NOIA network. Otherwise, the content is downloaded in the conventional way. Thanks to this, NOIA will never negatively affect the performance of websites.



There are already several CDN solutions on the market, but as discussed in the previous paragraphs, their technologies are insufficient and too expensive, especially for the growing content market. NOIA as a decentralized solution, clearly stands out.



NOIA Testnet

As the NOIA Testnet is already live, you can set up the Worker Node on your device and contribute to making internet better place!


In my opinion, running the NOIA Node is really attractive. You can earn passively 200 NOIA Tokens per week (according to 1 Token is currently worth 0.056 USD, which results in reward of about 11 USD) and contribute to achieving a beautiful vision of internet. Moreover, running a Node does not charge you with any negative consequences - NOIA utilize only unused resources of you computer. I am currently in the process of setting up my own Node and strongly encourage you to do the same!

Here you can find instructions on how to participate in NOIA Testnet

In order to qualify to the airdrop and start receiving a reward of 200 NOIA Tokens every week, you will have to complete KYC application, as NOIA needs your personal details to meet the regulations. However, if you do not want to share them, NOIA is going to open up a possibility to run the Node without KYC application and participation in the airdrop.



NOIA seems to be one of these projects which aims to revolutionize its industry. The team do not want just to extend their business but has an innovative vision which can change the internet known to us. Solutions of the already existing CDN providers are inefficient, obsolete and expensive. Therefore, I strongly believe that NOIA combined with Blockchain technology may become a serious game changer.

NOIA creates a win-win situation. Websites and services are provided with a powerful tool to distribute their content, while users with underutilized bandwidth resources can acquire weekly rewards and contribute to making internet a better place. If you want to become a part of this enterprise, I encourage to set up your own Node today!


NOIA introductory video

NOIA explanatory video

More information & social media



Tech team

tech team.png
More about the tech team

Tech advisors

More about the tech advisors

Business team & advisors

More about the business team & advisors

Source of the remaining images: NOIA White paper.


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The obvious question is: how does NOIA compare with IPFS / Filecoin?
IPFS is already out there and gets quite a lot of use. It's monetisation layer Filecoin is still in development. It would seem that what NOIA is offering is very similar.

Thank you for your comment @eturnerx. I wasn't even aware of the existence of IPFS and Filecoin. NOIA is indeed trying achieve very similar vision, but according to my quick research, NOIA seems to be the most developed and reliable project as far.

First of all, I couldn't find any road map on the IPFS and Filecoin website. Filecoin doesn't seem to have any deployed product, while IPFS already has its node available to install. However, they don't provide any specific numbers of users or effectiveness of their system, while NOIA does. Last but not least, NOIA has higher rates from experts (according to ICObench).

Good know. Filecoin had been delayed as the effort went into IPFS. IPFS is already well used and trusted: for example it's used by dTube to distribute video content. It's an exciting time to be alive for sure.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've read quite a bit about NOIA and just because its a promising concept doesn't mean much. Have they deployed anything? have they signed up any commercial clients? Have they proven their network to be superior and cheaper?

No, so what is the point of praising these projects that have not achieved even 1% of what is currently available via centralised products? Just because its blockchain based means nothing to me, show me value! Show me you can compete in the market

Thought is origin of everything ever created
Every venture has a starting point
I am not familiar with NOIA
However I am familiar with narrow minded people
Not hating on you to each their own

However if you wait for everything to become a proven

You will always be behind the 8 ball mate!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Its not about being narrow minded I’m speaking specifically about this project it’s been around for a while and done nothing where as other CDN projects both central and decentralized are much further on!

I’ve personally invested in one of those projects because I do feel it’s a good idea! I just don’t think this one will be a specific winner in this market!

I agree you will always be behind the 8 ball for sure! I’ve personally created my own digital platform and I see it growing slowly not because it’s a bad idea but because everyone take their own time for the idea to click

Posted using Partiko iOS

I appreciate your reply and l didn't mean to label or my intent was not with malice
When I read your reply to the post. It just seem harsh and not very encouraging

So I replied

My apologies

Posted using Partiko Android

No offense taken without constructive discourse we don’t create new ideas and push the world forward

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes sir
You are forward thinking
So please accept a complete withdrawal of my narrow minded comment !!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your reply @chekohler.

Have they deployed anything? have they signed up any commercial clients? Have they proven their network to be superior and cheaper?

Well, NOIA has already deployed their Testnet and CDN Alpha. Every user can participate by running a node, which means that decentralized global network has already started to grow. There are already almost 5000 nodes around the world thanks to which website operators can use CDN Alpha in order to deliver their content.

Note that in order to create a stable and reliable decentralized network there has to be more nodes. That's why I encourage people here on Steemit to set up their own one. It is not the case of centralized CDN where you can just pay and set up necessary infrastructure. Deploying global decentralized network needs a lot of time.

other CDN projects both central and decentralized are much further on!

Which decentralized CDN project do you mean? I don't know any other.

Dear @chekohler, @benfreed

I honestly think that it is important to talk about projects where teams are actually putting some decent effort into whatever they do.

I may be naive, but this is what I believe. I personally know guys from NOIA and I collaborated with them year ago, so my strong belief is that those guys actually want to achieve something. And supporting them during the process is as important (or even more) than showing support once they already succed.

Plus keep in mind, that @neavvy isn't even encouraging people to invest money and buy some crypto. He is encouraging people to join noia test network, share your feedback and earn be rewarded for your contribution.

Thank you anyway for sharing your view.



Just to be sure I'm not misunderstood
I am very intrigued by NOIA
I thought the article written was well versed and spoke in favor of it
My reply to Chekohler was in defense of the young man who made the post

I hope all is well with you my friend
How is that married life treating you

All the best

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @benfreed

Thank you for your kind words my friend. Life of a married person didn't really change that much lol :)

We're both focusing our attention on immigration policies as those are rapidly changing across the world. And we're both not only from 2 different countries, but also from 2 different continents. Where one country is dominated by Christianity and other by Muslim population.

I feel like my life will never be boring hahaha

Cheers, Piotr

Interesting piece.

NOIA certainly has a competitive edge over others and I'll like to be a part of it

I'll check out the link on how to participate in the testnet.

And thanks for the memo


Thank you for your support @iamthegray. Yes, NOIA definitely has a huge potential :)

Have a nice day!

Dear @iamthegray

I've been in touch with guys from NOIA for quite some time already and indeed this is clearly one of those projects that are worth our trust and attention.



Posted using Partiko Android

I appreciate your support @abidemiademok21 :)

I have also learnt about the interaction of end users to the main net which makes it to require much time before a page you've load before could come up again but with the adventure of NOIA you could interact with the main net with ease and the main net is protect from malicious wares.
How do I join the airdrop and participate in the testnet.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think it is not about the division between main net and end users. I live in the center of Europe, which someone could definitely call "main net", but I still have some troubles with loading pages, that are not located nearby or do not use CDN infrastructure. I think every website and user can make use of decentralized CDN network, although benefits of end users are the biggest :)

Here is detailed instruction on how to participate in the testnet :)

Hi @neavvy,

When compared to the centralized CDNs, NOIA seems to be far better off in terms of POPs, Dispersity and Price. With its price being 20% or less than most of its centralized competitors I reckon many more business will now be able to afford CDN services.

Is NOIA the first in dcdn space? If so, then it should have the first mover advantage too.

Thanks for sharing. May consider setting up the worker node.

Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you for your comment @devann

many more business will now be able to afford CDN services.

I hope so. It would significantly improve overall comfort of Internet usage.

Is NOIA the first in dcdn space? If so, then it should have the first mover advantage too.

I am not sure, but there are only centralized projects stated as competitors in the NOIA whitepaper. There are already several decentralized global networks (for example Golem), but they are rather focused on creating a powerful decentralized supercomputer than on delivering web content. I think NOIA indeed has the first mover advantage.

May consider setting up the worker node.

I strongly recommend :)

Thank you again for valuable feedback and have a nice day!

Thanks for the quick response, buddy. Have a great day!

With the climate of Steemit nowadays, reducing costs, I was thinking about the NOIA project. I wonder if they could help the nodes at all and the content delivery but I'm not sure how they have things set up.
I'm going to take a look at the site again, it's been a few months since I have.

Interesting insights @cmplxty. I wonder if uses some conventional CDN platform. If so, NOIA could potentially reduce costs of delivering our content significantly. Maybe it could be some solution to current crisis on the platform.

Dear @neavvy you have given a wonderful information. It seems to me a very attractive solution of the problems which are making internet slow and expensive.
I think people may have some doubt about using NOIA network as it takes to connect with the internet and have to share own computer resources. Will it not make my computer to visible to the world? Will it not steal my personal information or compromise my computer's security in any way? Please clarify.

That is very interesting comment @akdx.

Will it not make my computer to visible to the world? Will it not steal my personal information or compromise my computer's security in any way?

In order to set up a NOIA node you have to open ports in your router, which will allow users to receive content cached on your device. Generally opening ports is controversial, so I decided to allow experts from NOIA to clarify this issue. That is the reply I got from them:

It is completely safe. We selected ports 8048 tcp and 8058 udp that are free to other functionality, like http connection

There is a team of experienced and reputable people behind NOIA. I think they take care of our safety properly.

If you are still a bit distrustful, if NOIA didn't take care of our safety it is still virtually impossible to get into the device with enabled firewall (Widows system has a built-in firewall).

Thank you for responding. I think safety will always remain a matter of concern for us all. I hope NOIA will be free of everything bad.

Very interesting that information, seeing it that way is a tentative option.

You make a great exposure of the subject, but in my case I do not have much knowledge about configuring nodes and these things.

Thanks for sharing, this nourishes my knowledge and makes it possible for me to try to use Noia in the future.

Thank you, @neavvy

Thank you for your comment @fucho80

Setting up NOIA node is actually not so hard as there are very detailed tutorials on this topic, I believe you would manage to do that. I may also help you :) However if you decide not to set up a node, remember that you can still benefit from NOIA. If a website often visited by you decides to use NOIA service its performance will be significantly improved (if it hadn't used any CDN before).

Very interesting @neavvy decentralization sounds amazing.

The explanation was really really good, I will be reading it two more times, interested in NOIA..

Thanks a lot...!!!

I am glad to hear that @edgarare1 :)

Anything that improves the speed of internet here in South East Asia! I hate connecting to foreign sites or play games in Singaporean servers. NOIA could drastically improve internet connectivity around the world. Would like this project to come into fruition

Thank you for your comment @crypto.hype

I hate connecting to foreign sites or play games in Singaporean servers

Yes, it is definitely unpleasant experience. Although I live in central Europe I also have problems with connecting to certain sites, so it is not only problem of end point users. With NOIA every user of the web could benefit :)

First of all, I like to congratulate the presentation of this post. I actually felt like I'm been lectured on a screen in a conference lol.

Anyways, I agree with you that content delivery has to improve especially when it comes to video contents. I always experience pauses and reloads while watching videos on the internet.

Thanks for the explanations, it would be a great idea contributing to a better internet.

Thank you for your comment @akomoajong

I actually felt like I'm been lectured on a screen in a conference

I am not sure if it is a positive effect haha :)

I always experience pauses and reloads while watching videos on the internet

Me too. Regardless I live in Poland which is considered to be "developed" country I sometimes experience problems with internet. I don't event want to imagine what is the situation in some countries.

The real big selling point for me is the price point. The centralized servers are pretty solid and they deliver their promises well. It's juust this whole thing is achieved at greater cost. The so called centralized competitors have considerable spread themselves geographically. What NOIA does is taking things to the ground level automating most things and make up for the lack of powerful high tech hardware with massive decentralization and volume.

I see some have mentioned IPFS. I personally think multiple projects can co-exist and they will co-exist. I've had some trouble with streaming video off of IPFS and with monetization and accessibility, NOIA would hopefully make things better for me.

Targeting image hosting services is a great marketing plan IMO because images are widely used but require less delivery speed and performance. Also those who don't want to host much videos would be the ones that are most price conscious and price is the greatest strength of NOIA when it comes to selling the product to customers.

Hi @vimukthi, I am very grateful for your comment it's amazing. Sorry for so late reply, but I have been super busy this week.

I personally think multiple projects can co-exist and they will co-exist.

I fully agree with you. Coexistence of various projects on the market is necessary, even in decentralized case. Monopolization leads to price manipulations and a lack of development, as you don't need to compete with anyone.

I've had some trouble with streaming video off of IPFS and with monetization and accessibility

I have never heard about IPFS before this post, but the projects seems really interesting, especially as they have already deployed the product. Hope that your experience with NOIA will be better :)

price is the greatest strength of NOIA when it comes to selling the product to customers

Definitely yes.

One more time, thank you for your comment and have a great week!


There is so much we got to know from this post that I didn't even know that I had to know. Thanks for the information bud @neavvy

Small question though, I understand the improvements of NOIA from the existing infrastructure (I think :P), but what I wanna know is, is NOIA proclaiming to be a direct competitor to the existing aggregators or trying to replace them altogether, by default? What I mean is, is NOIA a new kind of fancy horse buggy challenging other horse buggy manufacturers, or is NOIA a fuel-powered Ford car?

All the best. Cheers.

Thank you for such interesting comment @reverseacid.

is NOIA a new kind of fancy horse buggy challenging other horse buggy manufacturers, or is NOIA a fuel-powered Ford car?

I personally think that NOIA as a competitor of traditional CDN solutions is a fuel-powered Ford car. The technology and concepts that it is based on is way above current solutions.

However, the biggest disadvantage of NOIA (in my opinion) is that it is not easily deployable. When technology of fuel engine was invented, everyone could implement it to a particular car. If it comes to NOIA, in order to compete with biggest CDNs and become a Ford car, it needs to significantly expand its current network and the number of nodes. It will probably take some amount of time before NOIA becomes fully applicable.

Sure, I understand the hurdles that are waiting to test the solution. In my opinion, that is an utmost necessity as it filters out the problems and brings the advantages ahead. A decent node network size is just a few innovators away.

Glad to know that we have another industry waiting to see the end of its days. I have my eyes on NOIA for sure. All the best.

Great comment @reverseacid

Thanks, @crypto.piotr. Always happy to intrigue fellow enthusiasts.

Thanks for sharing this. I will have to dig into this deeper.
Especially in the economics of hosting a node.
I really like the fact that you can put idle capacity to work.

Thank you for your reply @bluerobo

you can put idle capacity to work

Indeed, opportunity to earn passively without any negative impact on your device performance is amazing.

Hello @neavvy,

Awesome work done in covering NOIA network and the passive income opportunity. Well, while I think that NOIA will change the internet landscape, it is not here to interrupt it. Rather it would be disrupting it. You can call it Internet 2.0 revolution. My thoughts. :)

Thanks for the informative post.

Posted using Partiko Android

I totally agree with you @oivas. Well, if many of the internet users set up a node it will certainly be Internet 2.0 revolution. It would totally reorganize current network structure thereby providing users and website operators with completely new possibilities and performance :)

Thank you for your support!

Great post. One more in support of decentralized distribution of Data. Simplest solutions to growing problems and income opportunities to boot.

Keep Steemin!

Thank you very much @sarez. Indeed, simplest solutions are usually the best :)

Very well written @neavvy. Your always write great content & you wrote amazing review on NOIA.

The explanation you wrote how Internet works, CDN advantage and disadvantage, about NOIA with AI - is simply amazing. Not only the NOIA project but it's support team is amazing too. In past I had some issues with account and their support team helped me all the way. Also after the issue resolved they followed up with me in case I have any issues. After that incident my confidence increased in this project more.

Once again very well written my friend @neavvy.

Thank you for your support @flash07 :)

it's support team is amazing too

I totally agree with you, today I wrote to them on their Facebook and got very quick and helpful reply. They are definitely a team of experienced and reputable people.

@neavvy ,
it is a great idea of increasing internet speed with security and affordable.
As you said poor Country like Africa can't afford this System.

The world is changing, The Technology is innovating but Materials are rather expensive.
According to my research in recent technology, Scientist and Inventor are rather more focus on changes and effect but they disregard something important which is Environment Friendly and Can afford by Normal People.
It have a good Credibility and Availability.

Yours Truly,

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your comment @junnel123. You are right, CDN infrastructure is currently unaffordable for people from poorest countries. However, the main advantage of NOIA network is being virtually independent from financial or technological development of the particular country. NOIA doesn't require huge investment in infrastructure in order to provide its service. A few users with NOIA node in a particular region are sufficient to create a simple content delivery network thereby significantly improving comfort of using internet locally. Therefore, I think NOIA is a technology mainly for 'normal people'.

Have a nice day!

Actually this is not the topic of my interest but thanks for inviting me here. I will definitely checking out your future posts

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am glad to hear that @arslan786. I will follow you too :)

It's always great to see how supportive you are my dear @arslan786 :)

Thanks dear. You are the one who motivates me to do that.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm already blushing @arslan786 :)

This sounds very interesting and Thank you for doing a @crypto.piotr and inviting me to read it @neavvy 😁
So I took a quick look at what is required to become a node. But when I got to the part where it says "Must have the 8058 UDP data port and 8048 TCP control port opened.." I start to worry. Becuse although I know a little about how things work behind the scene on my PC I have had terrible results with port forwarding setting up IP cameras allowing and conecting additional hard ware etc. I will go and take another look because this system seems to have many advantages. Maybe I will I will find someone to help. 😎

Thanks for your comment @andyjem. Unfortunately I also don't have a great experience with port forwarding, but perhaps such method is necessary in order to access content cached on the worker node. Maybe I could help you somehow?

Yes I think it is. I will keep in contact with you. And when i get time on the PC to have a proper look we will see if you can help.

Posted using Partiko Android

Love your article man! Very informative and informations are presented well. Keep on making quality posts man! Oh by the way, youre already in my autovote list! 😀

Thank you @andywong31 :)

youre already in my autovote list!

Wow, I am so glad to hear that!

Wow. This is something. Your posts are always very well written and it shows your knowledge of the subject and how much work you put into it.

I like the idea. There's no doubt the importance of CDN in website performance. I hope I'll be able to run a node, let me check it out now.

Also to offer my support I'll resteem.

I appreciate your support very much @naijauser. If you have any troubles with running a node, maybe I will be able to help :)

Great post and I will definitely look into this

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @benfreed. It is definitely worth it :)

Hey neavvy, nice post! Very informative. This particular topic is not something I know a lot about so I don't have much of anything all that interesting to add to discussion.

But you put out a lot of content and it is great to have this info made available to the Steem community!

I am glad to hear that you liked my content :) I appreciate your support very much!

This is interesting for sure. Especially if my connection would improve since it is really bad. I am sure the provider(s) is already cutting me of certain hours a day and night because they simply are not able to deliver to all the people they catch money from. They also do not invest in the needed equipment.
I just wonder if I am able to set it up myself and if so if it will be an improvement at all.
I will try to read and study your links first.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your comment @wakeupkitty!

I am sure the provider(s) is already cutting me of certain hours a day and night because they simply are not able to deliver to all the people they catch money from.

Wow, it's really horrible situation. If it comes to node, there are several tutorials on how to set up your own one, so I think you will not have any problems. If so, I am always happy to help you :) I think that there should be some improvement if it comes to speed.

Hi @neavy. Thank you very much for sharing this important information. I have two laptops that I have not been able to update due to financial problems and I have been doing so, but now with this I have a strong reason to encourage me to do so soon.

Have a happy day!

I am happy to hear that @juanmanuellopez1 :) Running two nodes would be great.

Have a nice day too!

NOIA is going to open up a possibility to run the Node without KYC application and participation in the airdrop.

When that is not required anymore I will try it.

I am glad to hear that @ropaga. It is definitely worth it.

Hi @neavvy post is indeed very good, I am interested but sorry to deepen it again it is very time consuming, because I do not really understand the excess internet😄

Posted using Partiko Android

Unfortunately you are right @anitacarolina, understanding networks is very time consuming, which doesn't mean that you can't still benefit from it and set up your node (it's not so complicated) :)

yeah you are right @neavvy maybe if someone taught privately it could be better, thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @neavvy

I just finally got some time to read your post very carefully and I loved it :)

Thanks to you finally I know how far is Malaysia from my home country hahaha

I've been in touch with guys from NOIA for quite some time already and indeed this is clearly one of those projects that are worth our trust and attention.

CDN is a system of servers dispersed across the world whose main purpose is to store the content of the websites for later retrieval. Whenever computer sends a request to the particular website, it will be connected to the closest CDN server instead of the main server

That is indeed fascinating. Would you mind telling me how do those servers synchronize content?

Great review buddy

I appreciate your constant support very much @crypto.piotr :)

That is indeed fascinating.

You are right. I haven't even been aware of CDNs existence before preparing this post.

Would you mind telling me how do those servers synchronize content?

Really interesting question. I generally suppose that CDN servers don't need to synchronize content very fluently and quickly. The most extreme situation I can imagine that demands a lot of content syncing is a real time gaming. However, even in this case players are usually divided between particular CDNs according to their location, so I think that synchronization between them doesn't need to be very fast.

However, they certainly do it sometimes. This process is called replication and means that each server sends new data to the main server (for example statistics of players in a particular real-time game). Then, the main server creates some unified version of whole content and sends 'actualization' back to the servers.

This comment is based on my own assumptions and some quick research, so I am not sure if it is accurate ;)

Hey @neavvy ir is a refreshing read. Good to read about NOIA all over again. I love this project and support by being part of the testnet.
It is so amazing as to how NOIA can create opportunities to earn for the masses and create a wonderful essential service in the process. I use the word essential because like water, food ,health etc internet too has become an essential service and NOIA is doing some great work in this direction. What do you think?
Good luck buddy. voted and resteemed
Good luck and have a great 2019 :)

Thank you for your constant support @thetimetravelerz!

I fully agree with you, Internet has become essential to us, so we need to put a lot of effort in order to improve its efficiency. NOIA has brilliant potential, so I think we should support this project as much as it is possible.

I know that you have been aware of that project for some time. Have you managed to set up your own node? Do you participate in airdrops?

Yes I have my NOIA node running. Plus I am active on airdrops as well.

Great to hear that @thetimetravelerz. Unfortunately I have some problems with my internet provider, because he doesn't allow me to open ports properly.

running the NOIA Node is really attractive. thank you share

Indeed @cloudblade, benefits are amazing :)

This is interesting for sure. Especially if my connection would improve since it is really bad. I just wonder if I am able to set it up myself. I will read and study your links now first.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not sure if your connection would improve directly, but your node would probably try to predict when you will visit a particular site and download it into memory of your computer before this moment. So when you try to enter that site later it will be already loaded. The more nodes in your environment the more speed of your internet improves.

Thanks for inviting me here

Posted using Partiko Android

My pleasure :)

I really liked the post. Any movement forward to study and implement blockchain technologies and methods of passive income is good. Time passes, there is progress. Personally, today I will study this article in more detail. Thank you very much. I wish you success

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed @yuriy4. Possibilities of implementing Blockchain in various areas of our life are incredible.

Thanks for your reply and have a nice day :)

Certainly a curious and introspective deep~dive good sir. Thank you for sharing. I need to join on to become a "Jr. Developer" as immediately as poss.

I appreciate your support @lanceman.

I need to join on to become a "Jr. Developer" as immediately as poss

It is definitely worth it :)

Another great post mate I will probably comment again once I have done some digging on this but it sounds very interesting. Keep up the good work. Thanks a lot Mark

Posted using Partiko Android

It's great all the infotmation in your post

Will try to set up this later when I have some spare time with my laptop. Not the best use but only use laptops:-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Don't worry @everydaycoach, I also run a node on laptop :) I am glad to hear that you decided to join testnet!

Hi @neavvy. This a good way to earn passive income. Thanks for giving us this amazing insight

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely @caribehub :) Thank you for your support!

Resteemed, Upvoted and Followed

for this great problem-solving post

Thanks, @neavvy

I appreciate your support @whatsontrend :)

Hi @neavvy thanks for sharing.!
Resteemed 😊

Thank you for your support @ziapase :)

Another great post mate I will probably comment again once I have done some digging on this but it sounds very interesting. Keep up the good work. Thanks a lot Mark

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much @steemingmark. Looking forward to your comment :)

Hey @neavvy, I also have a suggestion, you should post this on @steemhunt as it introduces a product/service.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for suggestion @naijauser. Is it still possible to post it on @steemhunt if it is already posted on Steemit?

Of course you can.

Posted using Partiko Android

Just talking to someone last night about what if and here you are. Thanks for sharing.

What a coincidence @cyemela :)

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most interesting concept but they seem to want an awful lot of personal data ... including id card , proof of habit and what not ... seems like a lot just to help test a network and i wonder why that would be necessary, i can't find anything on hardware specs either, i have a pc that's on 24/7 as it runs a flixxo client, its got some rackspace to spare but very low cpu power (as thats not needed for anything really)

im gonna mark it and try to get in touch, if they can convince me why they need to know the colour of my sisters panties (pardon the french) before they let me in and the specs are human then why not, thanks for the info ! ! !! (sorry im a bit late but that wont the first or last time im afraid :-)