Ethereum and EOS Price Data - 2018-01-10
- current rank: 2
- current price:
- 1320.06 USD
- 0.0884235 BTC
- 24 hour volume: 9550740000.0 USD
- 24 hour percent change: 2.06%
- market cap: 127914667954 USD
- current rank: 13
- current price:
- 11.7173 USD
- 0.00078488 BTC
- 24 hour volume: 1288580000.0 USD
- 24 hour percent change: 26.76%
- market cap: 6971019195.0 USD
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EOS will be the Google coin to BTC's AOL.!
Other coins too are coming up too just a matter of little time
It's crazy how much Ethereum grew. I remember when it was $80. I wish I invested in it. Don't know what kept me from doing so....