Thanks a lot X-. I certainly believe that cryptos have been seeded to get us all into digital currencies. This has always been part of the "Great Work" plan, but they needed either a carrot, a stick, or both to get us there. What better way to get the populace on to cryptos then to seed them, and then to pump them behind the scenes while allowing a lot of people to get rich off of them. Of course the already impoverished populace would flock to them. Why wouldn't they?
Add to this the fact that the governments (other than China - which is temporary) have not really interfered with cryptos at all. This is not just a coincidence. They would never allow this unless it was part of the agreed plan at a higher level. Sure, they'll throw up a bit pushback now and then to keep up the show, but I'm convinced they know it's all part of the plan.
So the typical counter-argument will be that cryptos are all about freedom and decentralization. Let's take Bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin is decentralized in theory, but almost all the miners are concentrated in a few major mining groups in China. This isn't decentralization, it's domination. Ethereum is very centralized despite what they want people to believe. Bitcoin Cash is even worse than Bitcoin. Ripple is absolutely centralized. These are the top coins in the marketplace. No wonder they get so much attention and money - they are all already fully controlled. Sure there are a number of other excellent coins that are not controlled in the same manner, but they are peanuts in size comparison. This is not a coincidence.
My belief is that the cryptos are needed as part of the grand plan for a global technocratic dystopian state that "the powers that shouldn't be" have planned for us. Those that want to go deeper down the rabbit hole can read more about what that future dystopian state looks like here. I'm not against cryptos by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm also not deceived by the true long term plan for them either.
I figure ca 230 have used today & yesterday's links to your story.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
X-I placed a link again today at ZH-Zerohedge today here:
Very cool. Thanks again X-V. It got a lot of hits today. It's up to about 300 views now.