Really interesting write up and can only imagine the amount of dedication it took you to convey your message across.
I think that this is a VERY exciting time to be involved with cryptocurrency for any content creator, not just musicians but bloggers, videographers, gamers etc.
But the world we live in is all about what value one can bring to the table. By value, I mean services to others and whether or not your own core beliefs come across as genuine by the acts you do.
A lot of people will see cryptocurrency as a way to make a quick buck or for illegal activity but you and I (and I hope others reading this) know that if you want to make a quick buck, you need to understand technical chart analysis and research companies, and less than 1% of all transactions made on the blockchain (Bitcoin) are for illegal activities.
If you're intentions are true - in our case, expressing ourselves in a way that words can't express via the medium of music - then good things will come regardless if you stick to them. Good things such as feeling of well being, inspiring others (even if it's only for the duration of the song) and, if you want to further yourself and live off a passion, make a living from it.
There are a load of great ideas and projects in their infancy with this new technology to help create a true "universal income".
The tricky part is bringing it to market and get the mass population to care enough to get involved with it.
Moral of the story - keep doing what you love, good things will come :)