I really don't know if regulation will be a good idea.
In your article you are referring to the flash crash.
But imho even regulation will not solve this issue. This is just a problem that can arise if the market is not big enough.
If you have stock enough and decide to sell it, and other people have stop limits configured on your stock.. this will plumit the price down.
This happens in bigger exchanges as well.
The second thing is, if Bitcoin ever gets regulated other crypto's will rise which aren't regulated.. First one that comes in my mind is VERGE. (total anonymous crypto running on Tor)
I guess we will see in the near future.
However let's get past the segwit issue first :)
Yes, but they have safe guards set up to prevent it, such as the limit down rule on stock exchanges. After a price falls by a certain percentage in a certain period of time, trading is halted. Or the uptick rule where you can only short on an uptick in price... Things like that help to keep trading from running "amok".