Pornhub , the Largest and most popular adult website now has a chance to adopt cryptocurrency.
Yes you heard it right!
Pornhub models nearly 100,000 in number are dependent on Pornhub for their livelihood.
Their Payments were processed by PayPal, but recently, PayPal has discontinued it's service for Pornhub.
This was a huge blow for the Pornhub company because most of their models use PayPal as the cash out method.
This has opened a gateway for the use of cryptocurrencies in Pornhub Model payments.
This is not just a random speculation, The Vice President of Pornhub said,
"We currently pay out in verge and are evaluating adding other cryptocurrency payout options "
And apart from that
Binance CEO, CZ
TRON CEO, Justin Sun
have shown their support for this move in their official twitter handles.
Though this might not be the most lucrative and good looking adoption for crypto still it is a potential way of adoption if it happens.
Let's See what happens in the upcoming Future.
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