I have been slightly inactive on Steemit lately, mainly due to other projects that I have been working on,...
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I've had to put aside a project I was working on because of the bear market. That's like in feast-and-famine territory. When famine time comes, you got to tighten your belt and prepare for the next feast time. :)
To be completely honest, it seems to me that Steemit is a better platform than what Sapien propose to be. The STEEM blockchain is much, much faster than Ethereum's blockchain, they have an excellent economic model (the best I have seen in the cryptocurrency space) and while yes, there is a huge issue with the unfair distribution of upvotes, it is still a revolutionary platform.
I agree. Plus, Steemit is now benefiting from the network effect. Sapien will have to fight through it. The only competitor to Steemit I can see working is a niche competitor, like Vice Token.
Thanks @nxtblg! I know the feeling, we're in the same boat! And Yeah I agree, something like VICE Token could compete in its own niche. I will be running a project in a specific niche, I'd love your feedback on it. Thanks for all of your support!
Hey, glad to. :) Post about it when you're ready.