Looks like a lot have lost their minds a bit at the moment. Yet I think a lot of automated selling is involved. Leverage gain proces. Together with the amount of FUD that has beeing spread lately creates a lethal mixture: panic selling.
See where it goes from now, how far the drop and where it stops. But it will get back up, at least that is what I think. As if everything is on sale now...
All I can say, you are right!
Don't want to share my caveman knowledge on crypto :p
I'll just look dumb myself as well;) "HA HA"
How bout I follow you and get more INFO in the future ;)
Sounds like a good investment in own MY FUTURE!
Followed you back! ;-)
Oh, you seem far from a caveman to me, hahaha.
Be yourself, you are guaranteed best at being that.
Thanks for following me!