Traded DigiByte because it was hard to resist

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Made about 13 percent

And holding on to my Litecoin

There is real decentralized BitMoney {AKA: Cryptocurrency, Cryptos, Coins, DigiCash and SmartMoney} and there this centrally controlled shaait. The ones that are part of the banking system, you know, the ones that are like cursing in a temple. They were heavily pumped recently and they will probably crash badly one of these days. And it almost got me too, I have to admit, the Fear Of Missing Out {FOMO} hit me. Luckily I made a big conversion mistake and the Steem I send got lost in the proces. Thus, I got punished right away: "Though shalledth not buyeth banking connected and centralized controlledth evil rubbish." And I a still am a bit ashamed I even had been considering it, cause my gut told me already: "This is condemned stuff, keep out off this, it will backfire on you...!"

Saw how Litecoin took a hit, partly because of that hyping of that centrally controlled trash that entered the top ranks of the Cryptocurrency realm. Well, that's life, it is something to deal with. Yet, I think it would be better if those kind of fake 'cryptos' could be filtered out off the ranks. Or this could be a good reason for anybody to pick up the challenge and make a website that only shows the markets of the real Cryptocurrencies. Anyway, I still expect Litecoin to make a second jump, after some bubbling down.

For Bitcoin there will probably be another break through. Even though a lot of small transactions are in a queue, Bitcoin is bound to burst through the 2000 US Dollar. It will only make very clear once more that BTC is ment to be used for high value transactions. My most recent transaction cost me about $ 1.78 (!) to get into a block. That is where it is heading, paying small transcation fees, or even none will just create a long line of patience and will ask for a lot of luck.

DigiByte makes sense

And that is why BitMoney like Litecoin will be of more use for those smaller transactions. Although the value of LTC could go to other levels where it will even become relatively expensive to do small value transactions with Litecoin. Therefore it is understandable that in a growing Cryptocurrency market, that is moving to a total market capacity of the 100 billion mark, BitMoney types like DigiByte are shooting through the roof. And it is no wonder that the banks are getting more and more interested in the whole blockchain realm, but they want it centralized and controlled, that is in its nature. The positive site of it being that there is a lot of attention attraction and new investments, it set in the avalanche. And I think this is just the beginning of the breakthrough into the mainstream realm.

Things like DigiByte and others, like Vertcoin and also Dogecoin, will have a reason to grow by demand. Bitcoin cannot handle those low to medium value transactions and at some point Litecoin cannot do that either. So, there is a wide open market for 'coins' that can do those small to medium transactions. Without the need to use those centrally controlled banks connected ones, although they probably will have their own part of the BitMoney market. Freedom of choice.

But still the best is those 3-2-1-DONE

Now did you realy think I would leave the hometeam behind me? Still the best are those blockchains that do 1-2-3-BLOCK and those are only to be found here. With transactions for free! That is Steem, the fastest, easiest scaling and cheapest kid on the blockchain. Still at number 10 and with a lot of growth potential, just like its cousin Bitshares and its Decentralized Exchange {DEX}. While Steem creates its own value as Social Media Platform on a blockchain, Peerplays is the next cousin of the 3-2-1-DONE family, for gaming and so on. While EOS will throw parallel processing into the smart contract scene. While at Steem and Bitshares tens of thousands of transactions are within reach, [EOS}( will set the level to millions!

And so before I close down for now I can really state that although some of my recent trading did go a bit pearshaped, trading DigiByte made a bit up for that. Where Steem, of course, really has made many of my days. Nothing has been able to beat that. And I guess with EOS arriving soon, this will absolutely give Steem, Golos, Bitshares and PeerPlays another boost. The 3-2-1-BLOCK platforms are part of the avalanche, as far as I can see. And it only just has started for those platforms. More fun ahead. But, remember, only put in what you are willing and able to lose. Also, your speculation can be as bad or as good as mine.

Now I'm off to Estate Westerlee in beautifull Oldambt

Did you know, by the way, that holding Steem Power {SP} gives you 3% dividend a year? Every time you gained at least 0.001 Steem that way it will be added. (Now what bank does give you that?) Anyway, that is another plus for the Steem platform, that you might not have been aware of. Okay, enough for the hometeam already... Time to turn off the hardware for a while and get ready for a nice afternoon countryside at the Estate Westerlee. An well known hotel-restaurant in beautifull Oldambt. And I am really looking forward to that. Away from the digital realm, away from the office, away from the city.

In the meanwhile I have some alerts set at LiteBit dot EU, but I already saw that Litecoin restarted the climb to next levels. Just like Bitcoin got rockin' again. Bitshares and Steem will be fine too. It is often a pattern, after a high, a small dip and voila, back up again those green candles go. Anyway, time to close down for a bit now, cause...

Recharge here I come!

Have a great one!

Setting price alerts at Litebit dot EU

EDIT: text corrections and added links.


As usual oaldamster great post!!! I cant wait for LTC to go back up and I made some decent profits on DGB today also.

LTC is growing up again now!

LTC moving back up slow and steady, getting ready for the next jump upwards...?

Steem moving between 90 and 97 cents. Bitshares between 5 and 6 cents. And BTC onwards towards 2K?
And the total market cap keeps bursting from one all time high to the other.

Crypto avalanche still going on. Exciting times. :-)

Sure! It's a great period!
And today Ethereum is flying!!!

The crypto avalanche is still getting bigger!
Lot of green to see, for a lot of coins there. :-)

And Steem bursts through 1 dollar again!

Wonder if the total market cap will pass 75 billion soon...

Yeah! i'm really enthusiast!
I'm studying new currencies just for gambling a bit.
We have to take advantage! Go on! Steem on!

That is feeling I do know absolutely! ;-)
It is a wild ride at the moment!

Enjoy the rollarcoaster ride, Steem on!

I'm seeing it yes and it needs to keep going @cozzasteem

Thank you cam1, glad you appreciate my posts!
Somehow LTC has been heavily undervalued. And maybe it jumps up in slow stages. Long term one.

And DGB again surprising. Congratulations on your profit. Every day something exciting is happening in the realm of crypto.

Dgb is a good one too make a buck off after the mini pump!! Glad to hear you are still a believer in ltc!!

Absolute DGB could well go towards another level. Just like Doge did. Yet I think DGB has way more potential than Doge.

And I did keep my LTC, indeed I do expect more good will come for Litecoin!

This round I put a hat on, looks like it did the trick Mate! ;-)

It all comes back to the hat ;0)

I am quite happy with my little purchase of dgb last week!!!

Absolutely, today it was taps aff and hat oan overhere! =D

Congratulations Mate, then you had quite a return on your investment!

I did! I have had some luck lately but in the past some terrible losses!!

Ah taps aff and hats oan!! Lolz!!

Ups and downs all part of the game. And it is always great to have a nice profit after it has been shait for a bit. :-)

For now hat aff and taps oan, time for an evening stroll, later Dude!