
Good for you. Now you just admitted to copyright violation on top of everything else?

Bold now arent you?

Because I state on every single video that Nobody is allowed to copy any part of my video without express written permission.

Hmmm, maybe another good ground for a lawsuit?

Anyway, the video you guys turned in for "evidence" for arson was edited and I have the evidence from the discussion on your own hate forum.

I kept the website links too for evidence.

I got express written permission right here....

You said this was a totally legal government document...


I'm surprised you didn't threaten Oldcodge with your 12 gauge again Troy.

You seem to be very angry and have your panties all knotted up lately.

Well, the only thing I know about codge, by his own admission here on steemit, is that he is in the UK.

I am in Northern Michigan.

Now I dont know of a shotgun in the world that can shoot that far. Do you?

I am quite relaxed really.

Dropping the stress of a coin sale took a load off my shoulders.

After your friends harassed our marketing team to death, it was all on me.

Now we just point people to buy from a coin exchange themselves:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

See, this is how Troy Reid @thediyworld AND @diy-tube-video has zero credibility with his failure to tell the truth....only to twist something to (what he must think) his favor by playing the victim or ignorance.

Reid DID NOT KNOW Oldcodge was from the UK prior to the threat he made re: 12 gauge shotgun.

Recently, Reid denied "the threat" story and changed it into his version of "coyote hunting".

Just like he is changing his story about the Sam's Point forest fire he was a suspect in, in April of 2016.

Now notice how he rambles onto another topic to divert attention away,
looking for sympathy and donations:
"Dropping the stress of a coin sale"
"Alleged harassment "
"Buy coins on the exchange" with link.

He never stops lying and exploiting others.

Actually yes I did because early on he told me. Its on the blockchain.

No, he told you AFTER THE FACT.

It's in the Blockchain.

Threaten to do it again Troy, and the result will be the same. Another call to Ted at the Mio police department, and another little question mark on your file.

Have fun with your next firearm permit application.

Oh, good. So now there is a record at the local police that I am being harassed.

Very good. That helps my case a lot. I think I will take a visit down there and have a chat with them.

Bring a pot of coffee with you

And donuts. They like donuts.

Oh, and Troy. Take my advice, and buy some on the way there. Don't take home made, unless you want a reckless endangerment charge.

You're welcome.

No, there is a record at the local police that you threatened to shoot someone, who reported that fact to them.

As you like to keep repeating, it's "all in the blockchain."


Ken, since you are so intent on mentioning those videos. Lets tell everyone what they were about.

Bad guys revealed showed screen prints of the harassing and slanderous comments against me made by - guess who - these same guys.

Kill the trolls was a video showing people how to block trolls on YouTube by hovering their mouse over their comment and then clicking block. Sadly YouTube removed that function later and let the trolls run all over the place causing a lot of harm to many good channels.

Blood in the camper is when they broke in and smeared blood all over the walls of my home. Then called the police and said I murdered someone.

Yup, all classics and all showing a LONG record of you guys harassing me.

You must have me confused with someone else , why are refering to me as Ken and not Jessie???? Why dont you tell everybody here why YOU TUBE made you remove those videos . Are you hoping i wont post them here by giving your discription of their contents ?

You must have me confused with someone else , why are refering to me as Ken and not Jessie???? Why dont you tell everybody here why YOU TUBE made you remove those videos . Are you hoping i wont post them here by giving your discription of their contents ?

If you want to open a new can of worms. I have nothing to hide.

It shows your friends harassing me many years ago.

All it will do is show long time harassment for many years.

I also imagine that the entire time is also filled with incessant whining. Your head is so full of yourself that you have ignored hundreds, if not thousands, about how you should never engage "trolls" This also includes advice given to you by authorities. This is why all the local officials ignore you. Back in Pine Bush you claimed in a video that the police thought you were "whacked" Why do you think that is? Are you so blinded from the stories you tell yourself that you have lost touch with reality? Someone directed my attention to a video on your channel were you are quoted as saying "even my church often thinks i'm lying" Why would any rational person make that statement and post it on the internet? There is something wrong with your brain. Have you possibly been indoctrinated into some strange belief system? What is wrong with you man?

So, Ken.

You are also stating that you have broken the law and copied my videos?

Good, this is a permanent record.

SUE ME ................. I WILL PLEAD ...........FAIR USE

It is for research and journalistic, as well as evidence purposes, and is permitted under Fair Use regulations, as you well know.

As long as I do not attempt to profit from them, no offence is committed.

So sue me, arsehole.

Well, since you guys do profit from the use of my videos, then it is criminal.

There are places where you guys have posted complete and full copies of my videos unedited and in full. And you make money on them.

so which is it troy are we editing your videos or not???

i also have several copies of your videos troy. all the ones you claim i was destroying stuff on your pine bush ny property you lost due to eviction.... you know the videos you claimed dont exist but really do... please lets go to court troy and see who wins...

Link please.

Or shut the fuck up!

You left some back doors open t-liar! I see you have also been screen capturing all of us. Want to see the proof. Better yet just scatter like a mouse!

I have no idea what you are talking about Tim