Thanks for you words. It does leave much room for discussion.
I've read that before, accounts beÏng closed because one has bought bitcoin. It only seems to happen overseas.
To be honest, i'm happy not to be American resident living the American dream. When you start your lives most of you guys start with debt as seen i've seen in docu's. Things seem very odd to me overseas.
I do have a deep respect for you who go through all that.
Just can't image my bank closing my account? You are actually the 'client' that brings money to the bank so those banks can make money from your account. If they would remove every account that buys bitcoin... i can't see them succeed in doÏng that. I do remember the foreclosure many people went through a few years ago. But that's when they 'stole' people's homes. I just can't imagine they eliminate people's account due to BC, or any other crypto. But then imagine if they do. How can one buy crypto if you have no more acces to fiat. I don't quite understand. For now fiat rules because noone actually buys goods with crypto. Is that illusion? Thx ilt.