tl:dr; The template here can be used to view the current price of any coin in any functional currency (USD, Eur, INR, etc) and even in terms of BTC/ ETH. This sheet is great to track and analyze your crypto portfolio across multiple exchanges and in multiple currencies at one-go. You can also create your own charts since it is all Google spreadsheet based.
Why use this free Google Spreadsheet tool?
Let us say you are based in India and you used Indian Rupees to buy USD, which you then used to buy BTC (Bitcoin) and then converted to ETH (Ether) and finally you bought the Stellar coin with the ETH. This is not as uncommon as you would think!
Also, often you might be in a gain position on an alt-coin in terms of USD, but instead you might have been better off just keeping money in BTC/ETH, So, it is important to to track how your portfolio is doing in terms of BTC/ETH (which was used to buy that Altcoin in the first place).
The spreadsheet attached lets you monitor the price of that Stellar/Altcoin investment in INR/USD/BTC/ETH all at the same time. This can help you make decisions of buying/selling an alt-coin with USD/BTC/ETH.
The tools that we have seen on the market so far (, etc) do not offer so much flexibility. I personally use this tool in tracking many coins across multiple exchanges in different currencies and building my own charts and numerical analysis based of the data!
How to use the tool?
Step 1: Open the template here and create a copy for yourself.
Step 2: Update Columns B to G based on the coins that you want to track. Make sure the name in Column D matches with the name in the browser link of that Altcoin at
Step 3: Column H automatically then pulls the current price of the coin (in USD) from You can change the USD in the formulae to Eur or any other local currency that you want.
Step 4: Columns I and J can be used to track price in BTC and ETH respectively! We found this ability really useful considering that most coins we buy are from BTC/ETH.
This is our first post so any and all feedback is appreciated!
In our next post, we plan to compare ROIs (return on investment) of coin mining across various options available and we will be sharing actual data that we have observed based on the mining rigs that we have setup.
Let us know if you find the above tool useful!
Cheers team
About us: We are a bunch of crypto enthusiasts and firm believers in the blockchain technology. We have built various tools that we are now sharing with the broader community based on our personal experiences and challenges that we have faced over the last few months.