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RE: Cryptocurrencies Market Overview - January 12, 2018

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

upness of coins, rather than the often startling 7 days / 24 hour volatile up and down prices. if KFC start accepting bitcoin will McDonalds follow? For these corporations, it's an interesting way to speculate. They charge and make profit which is then essentially gambled on the markets. if they win, they win.. if they lose, it all goes on to the tax sheet ! they'd all be smart to accept. With the like of GRAFT and Crypterium coming online very soon, I think Walmart and all the other marts will accept altcoins. when that happens, I think the Tsunami of opinion will be shifted in favour.. it's not until people really understand BlockChain that the world will embrace this (not quite new) technology :)great article. love the @penguinpablo charts. the 30 day chart is always a reality check of the general