Sorry about the length of the comment. I'm relatively new to Steemit. Is it bad etiquette? Yes it is true. If you have a limited supply (as Bitcoin does) then investment power can only effect value (demand) as supply is fixed. Let's say George Soros decides to buy 100,000 BTC (he could afford it) then the value (price) will skyrocket. Therefore the opposite must also be true. If he sells en masse the only thing that can give is the value (price.) Supply and demand still applies but supply is fixed. What do you reckon?
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No, no, no. I don't think its bad etiquette provided you contribute and share helpful information.
Supply of BTC is constant (fixed) as you said, this is because the remaining amounts to be mined and released into circulation is small compared to the time it will take for them to be mined and released.
( so supply has liitle effect on the price) rather the demand which is a function of increased usage and wider adoption controls it's price.
The question in my first comment meant "can someone, say 'Satoshi', wake up one day and decide that the price should go up irrespective of demand?"
Is the blockchain truly and completely encrypted for everyone including the originators and key investors?
This question is a concern for most people still reluctant to join the cryptocurrency train.
yup , state currencies aren't just going to roll over and dies , we can already see many countries stifling it's citizen's participation in crypto revolution.