With ZEROSUM, you can trade against others traders. Participate and try to win the contests.
Every day, participate in trading tournaments organized on Forex or Cryptocurrencies pairs. Participate for free or for a small entry fee.
You're trading against each other. Return the most profit and beat your peers. The market is hostile, banks, hedgefunds and brokers all want your money, don't give it to them! ZeroSum offers an alternative by competing against your friends to win their cash in Fantasy Trading Competitions.
ZeroSum uses real-time data. All fantasy trades are reflective of real market prices, meaning your competition PNL could be real PNL. But don't worry, any fictional loss won't hurt since only your ranking matters! Trade away.
Start with an available balance of 1 000 000 $.
Beat your competitors.
Link : https://goo.gl/2GDvFW
produit interessant je resteem
Je m'amuse un peu dessus, j'ai gagné 4,55 $ lool ^^
tu es un genie des cryptogames :)
Je n'ai pas trop fait le rapprochement avec le cryptogaming mais effectivement on devrait peut-être en parler sur le groupe lol ^^