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RE: Chinese Geo-Political Expansionism through National Cryptocurrency?

I was a skeptic too at first. I started out thinking: Free crypto, why not? And getting as much out as I could. But now that my payout keeps growing over time, I am turning into a believer more and more. I am no longer powering down, in fact.

It's all about engaging with people and bonding a bit, and getting enough followers. I would say that after about 600 followers, my blog started becoming more serious and I went from $0.20 per post to about $1-2 for most of my posts now. I think if you keep at it, it can grow exponentially..

And if not.. well.. any 'free' money is good, of course. I write and talk about crypto all day anyway. Might as well do it here instead of Reddit, and earn some more while I'm doing it!