I want to like the RDN token. I think the Raiden network is probably going to be great, but I'm just not sure it's a great investment opportunity to buy the token.
Yes there is a lot of initial hype right now, but when I look at the RDN token it tells me that the token will be used to pay fees on the Raiden network if users aren't running a full node (if they are running a full node, fees are mostly free, however). 95% of users are projected to not run full nodes. That sounds great.
Except... Raiden network promises transaction fees of a fraction of fraction of a penny. That means that sure, there will be a lot of fees because Raiden enables micropayments and speed, but those fees will be tiny. I'm not sure there is enough money to really go around in order to pump up the price of RDN to a very high level: after all in projects like this the value of the token often depends on the projected future value proposition with regards to earnings. And those earnings are, by design of Raiden, as small as possible in order to achieve success. If the fees are, for example, 1000x less than ETH fees (which are already small) then theoretically there ought to be atleast 1000x more transactions to make up for that loss. Will there be? Maybe.
Then of course there is also the dividided community support for Raiden: lot of people do not like the fact it even has it's own token and had it's own ICO and say that this is completely unnecessary.
It's sown enough doubt in my mind that I am not fully convinced to buy in, and when I'm not fully convinced I tend to stay away. I'd love to be convinced though so if you have counter arguments I'd love to hear them!
Why do you think Gnosis bought RDN for 3500 ETH?
RDN is needed if you want to set up custom things on Raiden network and everyone will use them. It's like a Tinder account, you can use it for free but if you want to up your game you really need that premium lol.
Just came back here to post again, to say that I reconsidered and decided to buy some RDN after all :)
Got a handful during the dips.. not too much since I didn't want to give up other positions too much, but there seems to be so much momentum behind this I decided to try and ride the train :)
After doing my research, I've learned that in order to set up useful payment channels, node operators will need to stock up on a huge amount of RDN tokens. And I think Raiden will be widely adopted (although remain somewhat controversial), so there should be a bunch of people stocking up on RDN making the price go up!
By the way, you should have a look at Loopring/LRC. It's not like Raiden much, but it operates on a similar token proposition: node operators stocking up on LRC tokens in order to profit maximally, as well as all fees being paid in LRC tokens. Da Hongfei of NEO is an advisor, has a superstar team, the NEX decentralized exchange will be using Loopring protocol for starters too. I am bullish on it, and don't understand why most 'experts' haven't discovered this one yet! Maybe the project is too hard to grasp for most
I think you don't completely understand the economy of micropayments or how Raiden fits in. First thing: forget about fees. Don't think of Raiden in the same way you think about ETH and gas for TX. Instead, concentrate on the demand for RDN as it becomes increasingly used as the currency of choice for micropayments. For example, uRaiden - the only token which has a built-in smart contract is RDN; everything else needs additional coding to handle; so RDN is the only out-of-the-box solution for companies that leverage micropayments with it. While Raiden Network will accomodate other tokens more readily, RDN will still be a dominant mpay currency; and don't be fooled- the market for micropayments whether from users or device-to-device will be large and growing.