I was just thinking about proof of play while I was falling asleep last night and 2 questions came to me.
- How much processing power isn't being used when your in the game.
- What could be piggy backed on the players network signal.
First let me just pick a popular game that we have all heard of. So for this Pikachu I choose you!
Pokemon would probably be the best use of proof of play. There are 1000's of phones globally linked and always moving. The gym lets you pool your efforts. Each Pokemon is a block on the chain ready to be added. Bigger stronger Pokemon, bigger block, more transactions, bigger coin reward. While smaller Pokemon are for transactions needed immediately, smaller coin reward.
Moving while in game when not catching lets you earn gas which runs the network, when coins are used or transferred
Evolving would be like fine tuning your GPU to gain more hash power and can be done in the app thru purchases made with earned crypto.
While away from the game you can use an amount of your battery power & bandwith to keep "mining" at a slow rate based on your overall attack level. Example level 100 would earn a .001 coin every day if you left your character solo. If you pool mine on stand by you get 1% increase for each person added. So to pool mine you would form a "Clan" and grouping them together on stand by would give you all a boost.
Gyms would be for in game pool mining. When coming across a gym you will need more power to take it down. You can use your clan or passing players to defeat it. Once defeated the gym pays rewards and rare items for upgrading your Pokemon. Rewards will be split amongst the number of players in the group battle and how many attacks connected from each player.
Rare Pokemon could be bonuses for committed players or bonuses in the game. Once one coin is earned it can be traded in game for in app purchases or on a crypto exchange for $ or into another currency. For example: It's like 5 bucks for Pokeballs. Now kids won't have to ask mom for money for in app purchases and they earned some cash for their time.
-The network is fueled by users actually moving. (gas)
-Blocks are solved by catching NPC.
-Coins are rewarded by size of NPC caught or GYM Leader defeated.
small pokemon<GYM Leader : 1mb<4mb
-Pooled Mining is done at gyms.
-Can stand by mine at slower rate just by adding your unused resources can be increased with help of clan.
So if all these phones were nodes and we could send out a signal from them one could make a free wireless network that pays for it's self using the gas earned in game. Stand by mining power would be used to extend the network and send multimedia across the network for users not playing the game. Streaming whatever they want.
As new games come out they can be added to this blockchain to give users options on games to play. Remember not everyone likes the same thing.
I am so on board for proof of play:)