Phishing the most common way to steal someones access to a website :
Uses either a fake email (asking the user to enter their user and password for some "security reason" or outright creating a fake site so that the users enter the site and log their password and user
Binance with a 24 hour volume of a whooping $1,831,204,665 and being one of the most popular exchanges is a prime target for hacking and phishing attempts
Looks legit right? it even has the "secure certificate"
well check again, don't you see something weird in the Binance url?
Let me zoom it for you
Those little dots below the n's of Binance are the difference between losing all your crypto and being safe
Remember guys & girls, be careful at all times!
Common sense is the best thing you can have in crypto
Also please share around so people don't have their Binance account stolen
To be extra safe you should always bookmark all your exchanges and online wallets !