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RE: My personal reflections after being in the crypto markets for 2 weeks.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Yeah, that's my goal for sure man. Play the long game, hopefully do well in a few years and be able to pay off the mortgage, work part time, finally take up some more homesteading and sustainability and spend more time with the family. It pretty much seams possible these days.


Paying off the mortgage.... That's the dream right there! If I can pay off all of our debt (CC, Cars, House) then I could retire to full time crypto. My wife will always work, it's in her blood. So we would have her decent income and insurance benefits to take care of the bills, and I could worry about paying for vacations and fun. hahaha

Looking forward to raising a cold drink on the beach one day celebrating our escape from the debt circle and freedom to live the way we want!