I just hope that people take the time to read the message like you did, otherwise they could face some hefty fees in the future.
It's a shame that the banks have so much power to tell us how we can spend money, but we'll find ways around it. Like you said, a lot of the waiting times seem to have been massively reduced, so debit cards should be used from now on.
I've got my CB set up so I can purchase directly from my bank account and will be doing so from now on. I'll just get the 2% rewards from the mastercard I was using for some CB buys for everything except crypto purchases. I've already earned a few hundred bucks in rewards off that card this year. Stickin it to them!
I guess now buying crypto with a CC is kind of like using an atm that's not operated by your bank, you can get hit by fees from both sides now. Not good.
All cryptocurrencies are really money networks. If they're designed right, they will route around "damage".