in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The United Scientists Association of Technology Inc, founded in 2017 is a non profit organisation that is established to encourage and fund, develop, and implement technologies that are beneficial to humanity and the world. The USAT platform was established as a response to the difficulties faced at large by researchers in getting their ideas off the ground, a starting place is required that could fund and guide them. Beginning with the strenuous process of patenting an idea, funding, and also the task of production and commercialization.


The United Scientists Association of Technology Inc. aims to change that, through their platform where inventors are given a clear path to bringing an idea to fulfillment in a way that guarantees liberty, autonomy, and security of all participants.

The first step begins with submitting and pitching the idea to the United Scientists Association of Technology Inc.
Once approval is given which is based on the engineering and commercial aspects of the project, the platform assists inventors in patenting their idea, then purchases the patents and rights for an agreed upon fee.
Following this, the USAT’s marketing division will help in the sale and licensing of the product.

The platform constantly receives and reviews an influx of novel technological proposals from the AIHEM think-tank and these proposals are carefully examined by the scientific and business advisors of the USAT Inc.
All sensitive and project information submitted to the USAT Inc. platform is stored using a blockchain enabled decentralised distributed storage system. USAT Inc. will provide assistance in patenting the innovative products, then purchases the patents and trade secrets and adds them to the IP (Intellectual Property) repository.


The USAT Tokens are a smart-contract based tokens whose purpose is to allow holders to be part-owners of the USAT Inc.’s current and future IP. It will act as the currency of the USAT Inc. platform, which will be used as a means of paying application fees, for the acquisition of IP, and for purchases made by all non-government end users.

The token is termed USAT and the price of 1 USAT equals 0.0000705 ETH. Bonus is available. The platform is based on Ethereum. Accepted payment is ETH. Soft cap is set at 2,834,000 USD while the hard cap 53,375,000 USD. The distribution of tokens will start at $0.08 worth in Ether at the beginning of the ICO and end at $0.20 worth in Ether per USAT Token spread throughout the exchange campaign. The country established is Australia and is KYC compliant. The restricted areas are USA and Australia.

The current ICO has USAT Inc. providing 1.525 billion USAT Tokens. The USAT Inc. aims to procure funds in form of Ether in exchange of 50% of the USAT.
Commence of ICO on 15th of April, 2018
End of ICO on 14th of June, 2018
Supply: 381,250,000 USAT Tokens

Commences on the 15th June 2018
Ends on the 15th August 2018

Commences on the 1st September 2018
Ends on the 15th November 2018

USAT has a mission that is empowering innovation and revolutionize technology to make a difference, for the better. It is providing the opportunity for aspiring inventors and researchers to jointly own intellectual property rights thereby encouraging potential inventions that could do a huge difference.

For More Details Visit:



Published By- Pooja Jur
Btalk Profile-;u=1217469


Hi @poojajur, keep up with your good work. I see you post about new interesting tokens, and I just learned about USAT through you. Human-Upvoted : ) I will be following your next posts, thanks!
