"I spent almost all my coin on exchanges as a fee, while trading and making the transaction" - Olamilekan Oyekunle.
For most cryptocurrencies holders and traders, there is no way we will not deal with exchanges and we all know without exchange cryptocurrencies are nothing. But how about converting our hard earning fiat currency to cryptocurrencies and still be facing a lot of problems changing it whenever we want? Some crypto exchange changes are high for the little token we want to change using their platform. We have so many crypto-exchanges now but more of them are centralised and semi-centralised, which is the reason why we faced too much using their platform. Most of their website interface is too complex for a trader to use and at the end of it, trader loses money while trying to exchange.
Switcheo is the ameliorated NEP-5 decentralised exchange built for NEO Platform. It let you trade all NEP-5 token after Initial Coin Offer (ICO) which is one of the reason Switcheo Exchange was invented. No need for too much stress and high exchange fee anymore.
Switcheo Token is an NEP-5 token that will be used on this platform, which will be the platform base token and everything done on the Switcheo Exchange, SWH will be accepted it as a homeling token.
Switcheo Token can also be used as a trading pair on Switcheo Exchange asides from GAS and NEO COIN, to make the value of the token keep growing.
It can also be used as a fee on the Switcheo Exchange which 50% discount will be given to the user.
Security is very important in every wallet and exchange use for our cryptocurrencies, which is part of what Switcheo Network bring to us. All funds are entirely in your control while using Switcheo Exchange. No more loss of cryptocurrencies since smart-contract only do the trade arrangement.
Short Gif Of What The Exchange Look Like.
Switcheo Token sales will start on the 16th of this month and I think it will be a great opportunity for everyone to get some of it while it is still cheap. In addition, this token is having a very upright team which are very active to work and give help when needed. SWH is also a currency just like Bitcoin, Etherum, NEO and GAS, but this will more use on Switcheo Exchange since it is the home base token.
More Information About Switcheo Exchange Token (SWH).
Release Date;- 16/Maerch/2018 8PM Singapore Time(SGT).
Public Circulating Supply;- 750,000,000SWH (75%).
Public Sale Supply;- 200,000,000 (20%). And the price is pegged to USD price of NEO&GAS.
Public Sale Hard Cap;- $3,200,000 USD.
Switcheo.network Road map.
Switcheo.Network Team.
Switcheo.Network Social-media And website links.
Nice ....thanks for the info
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