@themarkymark Since a long time paypal is having monopoly for financial transaction across the world economy. I have also not a good experience with paypal. They take a long long time to execute the transactions. Also they have very complicated method for registration of new user on their platform.
Since a long time I was looking for the alternatives of the Paypal and BitCash seems to be competing with paypal and that's great news for all of us. With the help of such kind of projects like BitCash, the financial transactions will become more smoother, faster and easier.
I am pretty much sure that I a project works like paypal with faster, easier payment processing, it will definitely become successful with no doubts.
PayPal is a really bad company, they are right up there with Comcast in terms of Chaotic Evil companies.
You ain't said just a little bit. I am a member of the Comcast Ten. Was arrested a while back for shutting them down in Philadelphia. Rough life for us activist doing what we think is best for the betterment of our Nation and the world.
Comcast is such a bad company, makes me rage that if I am forced to do business with them if I want anything more than 1Mbps Internet.
@themarkymark You are right. What do you think what is the best option against paypal ?
I don't know, but I'd love to see a blockchain technology do it. The most critical thing is the support of merchants, if merchants don't support it, then it will never adopt.
Consumers need to see it being offered an option for payment and needs to be easy to use so mom and pop shops and entrepreneurs can use it for their projects. PayPal got really successful because small business and entrepreneurs could take credit cards with no hassle.
I think if the services are better then paypal every merchant will accept it. Because every one is looking for options against paypal. What you think about a blockchain based payment gateway ?