Why you should invest in EMC2

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

This post is about funding for science. The Einsteinium (EMC2) coin and network is going to be a huge investment and resource to fund the future of science and discovery. Your investment in the EMC2 network will not only make you money but also help to ensure our society continues with evidence based knowledge, not ignorance and fear.

Keep reading below if you want to know my thoughts.



The future of science may not be with government funding. This is from the perspective of the current United States climate in regards to science funding and support. Discrimination of those that ‘believe’ in climate change is growing even though there is no belief necessary. It is terms like belief and faith that are slowing the growth of knowledge and understanding in every aspect of human life, even religion. Those that rely on faith and belief are easily pushed aside as the exponential growth of evidence based understanding continues. This is not to say that government funding will stop entirely, but with the rise of private space launch companies such as Space X the future of discovery could be leaning more towards the private world. This is where EMC2 comes in as a means to ensure that new discoveries and knowledge stays in the public realm. Private industries stand to earn profits and are willing to hold scientific progress hostage for those profits. Want an example? Just look at the pharmaceutical industry and the cost of drugs compared to their cost to produce.

Every day we are discovering new and exciting things about the universe we live in. From the smallest atoms and life to the expanse of space. The fact that space is not empty and never has been is a recent discovery that is helping to push us forward. We might think there is nothing happening in a total vacuum but due to quantum fluctuations there is matter and energy popping into existence where we thought there was nothing. From the newly found evidence to support the Higgs Field which is the base structure of gravity and the universe, faith and belief are becoming more useless every day. You may have taken offence to that last sentence yet I’m sure you can agree that everything you use or do in life is because of science. It is the most important tool we have to make everything better and more efficient, discovering new properties of existence that allow us to have microwaves and cars. The shoes you are wearing would not be as light and durable without science.

The strict rules that anyone needs to follow to have their ideas and work accepted by the community is what keeps it all together. If we start accepting everyone’s claims then the whole world of discovery and knowledge would fall apart. We need to question everything and everyone, the people that we hold as the smartest and most important deserve respect as well as our questioning of everything they do – because they wouldn’t be the best without being questioned every step of the way.

Faith and belief are simple and deserve to be relegated to the past. We use and hear these words in situations that they do not belong. Do you believe in climate change? What a joke it is to hear people ask this. I don’t believe in anything to be honest and I don’t need to. Climate change is as factual as we can get. Nothing is impervious to questioning. When we say something is a fact we don’t actually mean it is unquestionable, we mean that there is so much evidence to support it that it would be a monumental task to prove it wrong. Things change and our knowledge grows, yet our scientific understanding is paramount to our survival as a species. So please stop using the words belief and faith unless you are talking about religion or something that has no evidence to support it – and no – religion, god, and spirituality have no actual evidence to support them. Your personal experiences are exactly that, personal. Just because you and others may agree to feel something towards a god does not mean that you or anyone actually do feel the same way.

The EMC2 network was created to be a crowd-funding system for science and research. Science education is a big part of this and extremely important to keep the public aware of what is happening as well as give them to tools to understand it. I am not a scientist or have a major background in science. My background is through high school and some university courses in science and math. I do read and study it on my own and have taught myself to code and build electrical components and systems. Designing and creating 3d printers involves many complicated components and structures. I learned how to do this from others that work and develop in similar fields. I am trying to push the next generation of manufacturing forward which is a whole other story. If you look at the EMC2 website you will see that they are still early in their development. The support of this network will grow and you could be a part of it. Helping to remove belief and faith from things that have not yet been understood properly. EMC2 will be funding research and education in science so jump on now before it takes off.

Kickstarter.com, GoFundMe.com, and IndieGoGo.com are all crowd funding platforms that work on the old market models and old money systems. EMC2.Foundation will be the next generation of crowd-funding platforms. Focusing on what is important for the future of humanity.

As for government funding in science, I don’t know what will happen. If Trump and his policies of ignorance and greed continue then science will suffer in the US. It will grow in countries that value knowledge and discovery. These countries will have an influx of the best minds in the world. The US was once the hub for science and discovery, and soon we will be seeing those great minds leave. Policies of protection and fear through ignorance and education dismantling will only bring more fear and ignorance. So join me and support this network. Buy EMC2 coins on your favourite exchanges and watch as the world grows without the US. And please, stop using the words believe, belief, and faith – use know, agree, understand, or anything else that doesn’t sound as ignorant.

Where do you buy EMC2 coins?
You can currently purchase them through these exchanges. You will need to submit another coin such as Bitcoin or Ethereum - or really any other coin that each exchange accepts. Then the coins you submitted can be sold on the market and you will be able to purchase EMC2. The wallet is out for EMC2 if you do not want to keep them on the exchanges.



Poloniex has unexpectedly frozen EMC2. Be careful where you buy and where you hold coins.