Crypto Exchanges and the future

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Ive recently started investing in Binancecoin, cosscoin and Kushares.

You basically can not loose with these.

ill explain:

We seen the recent boom in exchanges, Bittrex, Bitfinex, and Binance stopped registration due to high demand.
Hell even coinbase couldn't handle the growth and had to stop registrations a couple of weeks ago.

This means that upcoming new exchanges will blow up the same way Bitrex and bitfin and binance did.

And the best part is that these exchanges will always have volume to trade regardless of the overall market sentiment, if the market goes down ..the exchanges are doing business...if the market goes up the exchanges are doing business.

So no matter how you look @ it, they always get paid and you ofcourse :)


Kucoin is doing works not just on their platform but for their exchange as well. Check this article