Attrace ICO Review

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Overview :

Attrace aims to solve a real problem in a 230 billion USD market. The problem in current market involves large trust and tracking issues caused by middle-man affiliate networks.

Attrace is the only affiliate marketing blockchain project that tracks and attributes every individual click/referral of a prospect, sale or no-sale, which means insights and statistics which are impossible to manipulate. If you can’t do that then using the blockchain for affiliate marketing in our view defeats the purpose. Not tracking all clicks/referrals means you cannot solve the main problems with affiliate marketing: tracking and trust issues.

Attrace is the only affilicate marketing project with a blockchain fully built from scratch (in Golang by Google), it is not dependent on any other chain. All other initiatives are using ETH which we believe in practice is not going to work (network speed problems, very high running costs and operational risk).

What is Attrace ?

In the previous decade, online marketing and advertising have become a popular way for new businesses to arise. Online audiences have migrated to the internet, making it easier for affiliate marketers to charge users per click, lead, or view.

Affiliate marketing has only a market share of 5% in the entire online marketing spectrum. Because of trust and technical issues, affiliate marketing has struggled to become a profitable means for online marketers.

Attrace plans to help solve this problem by doing the following :

  • Create a decentralized blockchain from scratch so that every referral and click is tracked.
  • Using independent validation and smart contracts to make affiliate marketing a transparent and efficient form of advertising.
  • Tracks the conversion rate, making it easier for affiliate marketers to know what marketing tactic leads to a sale.

How it will Work ?

While Attrace’s blockchain will be used for multiple markets and solutions, it’s main focus is to make the Affiliate Network (the middleman), completely obsolete. This innovation will help change the market from gaining $13 billion a year to $260 billion a year.

With Attrace, it will help make online marketers have a direct and clear way to view their statistics. Since the data is stored on blockchain, its protected from third parties who are attempting to create fraudulent or malicious attacks to your campaign.

To pay for the service, the merchant pays the publisher via Attrace coin (ATTR). Since the transaction is reliable, the payout is instantaneous. Thus, you’ll pay the 0.5% fee using ATTR.

  • Fraud Detection : Smart contracts are attached to every referral/click. This means that they cannot be manipulated and resulting in accurate statistics that demonstrate the reality of your marketing campaign.
  • No Merchant Restrictions : Emerging and Long Tail markets will be judged based on reputation, not at the Affiliate Network’s discretion.
  • Direct Connection Between Merchants and Publishers : Attrace’s platform creates a direct communication between merchants and publishers via a message board.

Features :

Attrace's mission is to :

  • Reduce the affiliate fees paid by Merchants and Publishers by 95%.
  • Eliminate all aspects of the attribution and tracking analysis associated with the revenue received.
  • Eliminate all problems of fraud detection, taking into account the full attribution of any click.
  • Provide immediate payment of earned commissions instead of monthly waiting.
  • Allow payments at real value based on the true value of individual sales.
  • Facilitate the direct communication between traders and publishers.
  • Eliminate restrictions for small and developing traders.
  • Restrain publishers from participating in spamming events.

The Attrace solution tracks every single click / referral / lead created by a potential ad click, and not just the final sales - from advertising with Affiliate Marketing and distributes it through a smart contract with Publisher's right.

Conclusion :

Strenghts :

  • Overall solid and attractive token figures.
  • Well expressed and thought business plan.
  • Great partnerships already established, for example Accenture.
  • Important mission of removing middlemen affiliate networks, which would be very beneficial for affiliates.

Potential concerns :

  • The roadmap seems quite extensive compared to the project budget based on hard cap – reaching profitability soon would solve this potential issue.

For More Information :

Author: Raghav
Bounty0x User Name : raghav078