What is AdEx?
AdEx is a blockchain-based ad exchange aiming at disrupting the existing online advertising landscape and address its significant problems: advertising fraud, privacy and consent to receiving sponsored messages, etc.
AdEx is completely transparent and built on top of Ethereum smart contracts.
We believe we can empower advertisers and publishers with a platform that is secure, transparent and beneficial for all the parties involved in the process, consumers included.
You can check out their whitepaper here.
According to u/goatsareokay's research "AdEx's whitepaper, which is very new, bears striking similarities to Qchain, BAT and adChain's whitepapers. AdEx's whitepaper is more simplified, but when you compare them more closely, you can see a parallels in writing style and paragraph structure that are too similar to be coincidental. AdEx seems to have just simplified things that BAT, Qchain and adChain already wrote."
You can find examples here: http://imgur.com/a/BC72d
You can find the CEO of AdEx's reaction to the Reddit thread here.
I dunno man...Clif High gave AdEx a thumbs up: