why Do Banks Make So Much Money
Banks are the most heavily subsidised businesses in the world, specially protected by governments while the money runs out for the rest of us. the largest private banks still thrive, this is because they get the biggest subsidy of them all hard to believe Martin Wolf the chief economics editor of the Financial Times said it the essence of the contemporary monetary systeem is the creation of money out off nothing by private banks often foolish leading You yes thats right private banks create money out of nothing then they loan it and ask for intrest on top
If you ever wondered why the banks buildings around the world soar higher than any palace. You now have the answer for the banks don't simply print money using secrecy printing presses in their basements. they don't have to, like so many other things these days printing money now has gone digital.With the most popular are of debit cards electronic transfers and internet banking. Only 3% of the money in the uk is now made of paper and metal coins. The other 97 % is entirely in computers electronic money.Because it is convenient for everything. Electronic money is convenient for the private banks since they own and control the entire digital money systeem, And what do they do with this special privilege today channel new money To lood the supply of the nation.
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