Copy and Paste the complete information from the start to the end of this article to your article.

RAYS NETWORK is a Better Version of Ethereum and EOS Offering Zero Fee Transactions, Higher Network Speed, and Better Usability for Enterprises and General Users

Content Writing Contest.png

You can earn up to 50$ (200 RAYS Coins) by writing a quality content article about RAYS Network at Bitcointalk, Medium, Steemit, or Reddit. Here are the easy steps to participate in this contest:

  1. Comment on this Post by typing “I am Joining the RAYS Network Article contest”
  2. Write an Article about RAYS Network as mentioned below
  3. Post the article on your LinkedIn and Twitter Profile and keep it Public
  4. After writing an article, fill the google form: https://goo.gl/forms/afcKiY7DBvuP3WjJ2
  5. You can write unlimited articles to earn as many free RAYS as possible.
  6. Every article should contain the above image which you are watching now
  7. Every article should contain the complete article writing information given below
  8. You can copy the same article on different websites such as bitcointalk, reddit, medium or steemit.
  9. You can not publish the same article twice on the same website
  10. Article Length should be a minimum of 200 words supported by Graphics. Graphics can be obtained from this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a0EErN7WfCb7A4Kwgv4EvgcFdu2BElxP?usp=sharing
  11. Articles Quality will be judged by the RAYS Network Business Managers Team

Website  —  https://rays.network/

Telegram  —  https://t.me/RaysNetwork

Github — https://github.com/RaysNetwork

Twitter  —  https://twitter.com/Rays_Net

Facebook —  https://www.facebook.com/RaysNetwork/

Click here to join our Referral Program (up to 140$ in Free RAYS)

Click here to join our Ambassador Program (up to 15000$ in Free RAYS)

All of the above-written information should be the part of your article

Good Luck!


Team RAYS Network