in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


So first is the project called SKY COIN
skycoin symbol.jpg(image source depositphotos)
the symbol is sky eske , they were to release their test net on the 22nd of may which presume they've done by now, their current market cap is 205 million dollars and their current market price is abour twenty-two point sevety nine and the all-time hight is approximately 46 and 15 cents so the percentage gain to get back to that all-time high it would have to move up just over a hundred and six percent to get back to that all time high where it was now the information of the skycoin ,it is on coin market capital e ranked 84th by market cap and going to their website which is sky coin at sky coin is basically trying to to create a new internet for the world they have their own blockchain already so it is not an e rc token what they are tryin to do is to literally create their own internet with their own hardware .if you go online you'll see comparisons of substratum versus sky net, they are trying to do two different things substratum for instance has only been for eight or nine months now and it still an IRC 20 token and substratum is looking at using existing infrastructure and existing hardware to run their protocols , sky coin is totally diferent ,they are dveloping their own hardware ,their own antennas and actaully make use of dark fibre which is basically fibre optic cables which are present in the world which aren't currently being used to the maximum potentials and basically kuroh this into a whole new network to be able to decentralize the internet and that is one of the many things they are working on. Sky coin has been around now for a number of years now already so they've been around for about six to seven years possibly even and their test-net is going live apparently with a thousand hardware nodes around the planet to actually go ahead and test this their vision is very ambitious to be able to create a global new network with infrastructure and that is a massiv project but who knows maybe over time it could actually take off so that's definitely something to look at.
The next online is OYSTER The symbol is PR L 20258635.jpg(image source
so they are releasing thei main net on may 29th current market cap 51 million , not very big by all means compareed to some of the other cryptos currently at 66 cents all-time high was four dollars and thirty cents which is a five hundred and fifty percent gain just to get back to that all-time high now looking at oil stir pearl on coin market they're currently at two hundred and twenty-fifth by a market cap at the of writing this post going over to their website it is oyster protocol comm basically what Easter is trying to do they are a storage solution and they're built on iota tangle and aetherium now what they want to try and do is they want to reward you as user for
allowing the network or this protocol to use part of your computer resources supoorting the system and this allow for things like file storage and if you offer part of your computer's resources to be able to help facilitate that network that is the kind of idea behind it so when you visit their site you will visitors contribute a small portion of the CPU and GPU power to enable users files to be stored on a decentralized and anonymous ledger in return website owners get paid indirectly by the storage users and website visitors can enjoy an ad-free browsing experience so they have a data
storage protocol and you can go to their website and find the ins and outs basically of what they're doing so like
I said May the 29th which is pretty much any time from now they will be launching their main net and they have out of all the ones that I'm listing here in today's post they have the largest percent gain to get back even just to their all-time high .Now Let's Look at number three which is Tron

Their symbol is TRX on May the 31st they are launching their main net they have a four point eight billion dollar market cap so that is really really really big market price is seven cents it used to be 25 cents at the all-time high so just for it to get back to the all-time high that it was during the bull market in December January it is two hundredforty-four four percent now Tron is currently sitting at tenth by market cap it is interesting that they have this massive mass market cap without even having their main net launched all right but that may net is
being launched you can see you over here the main head launch is just 10 days and 11 hours away you can go and see here what they're trying to do so they have high throughput scalability and highly reliable I'm so huge number of
transactions per second at supposedly able to support enormous numbers of users and apparently it comes with a higher degree of decentralization consensus and an improved rewards distribution mechanism so you again you can go and check this out Tron Network you can go check out the github their technical documents you can see here how many nodes that have online currently 73 and then you can go and decide you know if you want to get involved with Tron or not.
The next test will be talking about is EOS EOS pinterest.jpeg (image source Pinterest)
so else is probably one of the most anticipated main net launches it has had the longest ICO out of any cryptocurrency and the largest one alright I think I've raised close to two billion dollars in actual cash money so not a market cap and actual cash money throughout this period right so in June the first EOS is launching their main net they have a current market cap of eleven point eight billion dollars,so that's pretty nuts I'm currently trading at $13 sixty-four cents the all-time high very recently actually not too long ago was twenty two dollars fifty two cents so to get back there sixty-five percent gain to get back to the all-time high so EOS is currently ranked number five and coin market cap by market cap overall their website is eos dot io all right and basically they're highly scalable they're flexible they're usable they're going for a zero transaction fee for users which in theory should make it
more commercially viable to have a massive user growth adoption because for example with aetherium where you have to pay to be able to use the network even if it is like a penny or multiple pennies the fact that you have to pay to be able to use the the blockchain and the network can be off-putting for massive user adoption and that's what eos is trying to do differently amongst that of course there was a lot of different objectives that eos is going for a lot of features that they have compared to e theorem it's completely different I'm not gonna get into depth of what EOS is and how it compares to a theorem in this specific post but basically you can go and check this out Eurostar I oh it is a highly anticipated launch of the main net that is happening on June the 1st now one thing to keep in mind also with EOS is currently the EOS tokens are c20 so there a theory and based tokens that are going get swapped over to the eos actual blockchain tokens on June the 1st and in order for this to happen you have to register your tokens right for example my ether wallet there is a way to register those tokens so that they automatically get transferred ,alternatively there's for example the Exodus wallet that has a one-click registration or there are various exchanges that support the automatic
transition of these tokens so for example as far as I know by Nantz is supporting it so if you would hold your your EOC theorum tokens on by nance they will automatically be converted to the native US blockchain tokens on june the first project number 5 that's coming up which is interesting HPB high-performance blockchain or add-on the 30th of June they are launching their main net current market cap is a hundred and one in dollars current market price three point four dollars compared to an all-time high of 13 dollars and 22 cents which would mean a 288 percent gain just to get back to the all-time high now HPB is currently ranked one hundred and forty ninth on coin market cap their website is gxn IO you can go and see over here they have their FAQ and I have all this information over here the white paper the github and basically it's supposed to be like the name says a high-performance blockchain and if you go and dig into the website you can see here the co-founders the advisors in theinvestors you can dig into them and you can see the roadmap of currently what they've achieved and what they're planning to do the community contribution social you can go and follow them and read a telegram Twitter Facebook etc and you can go and dig into that and do your own research on that project.
The next on this test launch post number six is a VECHAIN vechain pinterest.jpg(image source Pinterest)
so vechain again on the 30th of June their maintenance is launching they have a current market cap two point three three nine billion current market price 4.45 with an all-time high of nine point forty-five US dollars so that means to get back to the all-time high is a gain of a hundred and twelve percent V chain is currently ranked 16th on coin market cap their website V chain dot org and again you can go over here and you can go and do your own research and it'll tell you a little bit about it and you can go and dig into this once again a leading global enterprise level public blockchain platform it aims to connect blockchain technology to the real world by providing a comprehensive governance structure a robust economic model as well as advanced IOT integration so Internet of Things and pioneers in real world applications and then obviously I'm not gonna go and read this all out for you guys but you can actually just go on a website and dig into this and find out more about them again they have their team the LinkedIn of the individual team members they have Twitter they have a reddit link and they have a link to their medium as well as of course their roadmap what they've already achieved what they're planning to achieve and once again you can go and do your own due diligence on that and project.
The Last on this post ONTOLOGY depositphoto ontology.jpg(image source
Again on the same day 30th of June is scheduled for the main net launch so they have a current market cap of eight hundred and twenty-four million dollars currently at 7.19 cents with an all-time high of 1098 which would mean just 52 percent gains get back to that all-time high in our ontology is relatively new ok it hasn't been around super long so if you go on a corn market cap they're currently ranked 228 they only started trading at about March so that's just about three months ago at this time ontology so it's oh and T dot IO is the website and once
again you can go and you know find out what this is about basically it's a new high performance public blockchain project and a distributed trust collaboration platform I'm not gonna go into detail what this is all about I actually did make a video about neo and ontology and how they're gonna work together or an in synergy, ontology is actually a
very exciting project in my opinion and it's gonna be very exciting when their main net launches so once again those
are seven projects there are of course a lot more things going on in the crypto sphere at the moment but these are all
big projects with anticipated launches the interesting thing from you know speculation perspective is obviously to
keep in mind kind of what the market cap values are so something like EOS that has an 11 billion dollar market cap
it's obviously harder for that to go 10x because 10x would mean obviously a hundred and ten billion dollar market
cap right which would surpass aetherium at current levels currently aetherium has about a seventy billion dollar
market cap right so for us to go 10x I'm not saying it's impossible you know it could happen but that would be really
really crazy to see it overtake aetherium and to see it to go to second place alright so you know while it's I'm not gonna say it's impossible it's harder to do for example if you're looking at oil stir with a 51 million dollar market cap for that to 10x if we need to go to 510 million which you know it's obviously still a big gain but at the same time it's not something unusual in the crypto sphere the same thing with all these lower market cap HPB for example is 101 million dollars for that to go 10x that's 1 1 billion just over a billion dollars again that is not unheard of in the crypto sphere the same
with ontology ontology it could go 10x but once again then we have a really big market cap then we're sitting at eight
point two billion right again not too crazy because EOS is currently at eleven point eight billion without a main net
so for ontology potentially to go with a maintenance to eight point two billion it is a possibility again guys none of this is financial advice I have no idea if it will go 10x just using logic here to look at the market caps and if someone tells you hey es is gonna go 100 X maybe in future over time but for it to go to 100 X it would be over a trillion dollars right so that doesn't make sense right now logically it would be really really unusual for that to happen for oyster to go 100 X it would
also probably be very very unusual but that would put it at a 5.1 billion market cap you know which there's this cryptocurrencies over 5 billion right as you can see EOS over here so I don't think that will happen with oyster honestly but again just looking at market caps and people using numbers and saying hey this skin a 10x or 100x you know look at the market cap see what's going to happen there Tron Tron was already two and a half times this market cap so was already over a ten billion dollar market cap with the main net launch and maybe you know a new bull marketing
cryptocurrency it could go back to the all-time highs or higher who knows but again that's just something to take into
consideration if you are invested in any of these Kryptos or if you're planning to invest or speculate on any of them
you know keep these market caps in mind keep the percentages to their all-time highs and stuff like that in mind and
just factor that into your calculations anyway it is going to be a very very exciting next five to six weeks or so with all these different roadmap goals being reached different test nets going live different maintenance going live and like I said I think we're in for a very exciting next 1 to 2 months in the crypto sphere with actual real-world stuff developing and not just vaporware talk and ideas these are actual you know test nets and maintenance allowing these projects and you know working versions of their projects to come to life so it is going to be very very exciting and it'll be interesting to see you know in a month or two where these prices are going to be where the market caps are going to be and what the effects of these tests net and maintenances will be by that time.I just want to share a few upcoming important crypto launches that hopefully will put but more cryptocurrencies in your wallet or probably this ( )can do more tricks for you, although all am going to talking about are basically test-net and main-net these projects are going to be in their numbers, so am going to just quickly run through all them kind of talk what these projects are all about and share a few ideas of what is possible in terms of what you can expect going forward and kind of what is behind these projects now before I get started , what am about to share with you is not financial advice ok am not asking you to invest or not that's purely your choice with any these tokens am merely just looking at the facts that tey are about to be launched you can do yuor own research ,do your own due diligence make your own decisions consult a financial expert if you have to before you make any investment decision to crown it all they all approximate values and informations I come across during my personal searches you can double check for accuracy so what I've done is I've made a little in house findings of these different coins with their symbols with their launching dates in chronological order so close to today all the way down to the furthest away which is the 30th of june , I've listed which it is test-net and main-net, the current market cap, the approximate market price currently at the time of writing this post the approximate all-time high that it has been in the life of the object. ()(image source


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

the symbol is sky eske , they were to release their test net on the 22nd of may which presume they've done by now, thier current market cap is 205 million dollars and their current market price is abour twenty-two point sevety nine and the all-time hight is approximately 46 and 15 cents so the percentage gain to get back to that all-time high it would have to move up just over a hundred and six percent to get back to that all time high where it was now the information of the skycoin ,it is on coin market capital e ranked 84th by market cap and going to their website which is sky coin at sky coin is basically trying to to create a new internet for the world they have their own blockchain already so it is not an e rc token what they are tryin to do is to literally create their own internet with their own hardware .
It should be their instead of thier.