Dr. Crypto or: How I Learned to Stop Buying Steam Games and Buy Cryptocurrency

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

I very recently got into the world of cryptocurrency and I am already a fan. I got in right in the middle of the Steam Sale but this time instead of buying like 10 games I only bought a few. I realized I wasn't playing 75% of my 168 games on Steam and wanted to use my money more productively. Enter ethereum! I was always interested in investing and the stock market so I setup a coin wallet through Coinbase and bought my first cryptos - ethereum. It's an exciting and evolving market and it's cool to be an early adopter because I think this IS the future. Then I bought some Litecoin, a bit of Bitcoin, and other small cryptos like Golem, Monero, and Antshares. I wanted to try to diversify as much as I could and invested in ones with nice growth and good devs. I bought low and plan to HODL or sell high, I guess. Excited to see a small project develop and cryptos in general becoming more mainstream. Hopefully, more places adopt them so they spread faster and skyrocket even more in value.

TL;DR: I bought cryptocurrency instead of more games on Steam.



Hello look at my profile and hope to help me I'm new worth see my biography thank you luck

something like this happened for me, I stopped getting games unless I found a good deal (even when I buy HumbleBundles now I trade/sell most of them) I decided to stop getting new games until I play all of what I have.... and about crypto? It's my main way of money since 2014!!

By the way.. I suggest you invest in waves too... it may flop but I'm %90 certain it'll worth at least 5x it's price now in 5 years!! it's very innovate, has a good use case and it's currently like the BTC when it started!!