Phew, that sounds like a dreadful experience for sure. I had a problem a few years ago with a virus I caught on deviantart... a site where I definitely would not have expected to get infected. That already gave me some major headaches and made me pretty paranoid.
I was wondering what happened, since you were gone for so long. I thought, maybe you went for a vacation (always thinking of something good).. I'm sorry it was for such bad reasons. Glad this is over for you and you are back on track!
Thank you for the info and the advice on staying safe(r) on the web.
Nice to hear from you Reinhard - I understand you being paranoid after getting that virus - I am feeling a little like tat at the moment. At the moment every time I pay a bill to my bank my hands start shaking thinking I am being watched or suddenly a hacker will take over my computer again. I am working with it but my confidence has certainly been shaken. I am far better with security now but even so clever hackers can get in anywhere. The fact is the web was not created as a secure place from the beginning.
I need a holiday now lol