DISCLOSURE: I'm not getting compensated by BAT or have any affiliate relationship with them, this is my 100% independent view of the token. All my compensation is from Steem up-votes, Your Donations (Addresses below - thank you) and the investments I make (If I'm correct).
BAT which stands for Basic Attention Token and the it's the token behind the new Brave browser and it will pay publishers for their content and users for their attention while service ads from advertisers. From what I understand users of the browser can turn off the ads if they don't want them.
The idea behind BAT is to properly value user attention using block-chain based digital advertising.
Brandon Eich - Created Java Script, Co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox. He is the main person behind the project but there is a published teem behind the project which gave credibility to the project and the ICO did sell out in less then an hour.
Block ads and trackers on the new Brave browser and also reward sites based on user attention.
Moving towards decentralized ad exchange using the BAT token. Users get a share if they choose to receive ads, and have the option to donate back to publishers they wish to support
Also publishers will be able to charge for premium content that is paid in BAT tokens.
I have purchased the BAT token after the ICO on Bittrex and Liqui. I haven't figured out how to get the BAT wallet yet since the token is generated on the Etherium network I'm suppose to use an Etherium wallet but I haven't figured out the process yet. If you know how please feel free to post below.
Based on the huge investment in the ICO, big public team, and need for a new type of advertising system, I feel this has a potential to grow and at the low price after the ICO I feel it's a decent investment (at least for me) with good potential ROI and feel good about giving it a positive review.
If you like my reports please feel free to support in any of the tokens below. It will help pay for future reports and so I don't have to get new clients and just focus 100% on finding new investments and opportunists and warning you about scams. I would like to do this full time, but need support. If you don't see your token, please comment below i'll try to list it. Thanks.
<BAT/Basic Attention Token> 0x9342f68420b92e7749f7f0347c9e3b632926e5ae
<BTC/Bitcoin> 1Fz9uvnvbfaKUw2psVnYVKs9SfBDit2ncj
<ETH/Ethereum> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<ETC/Ethereum Clasic> 0xe44c22ead8a1becf6cdb8e80c6bf9b25658102b6
<LTC/Litecoin> LfWeBkkqWFCP1EXwDwDQETR8GcZVcuewKd
<DOGE/Dogecoin> DJpiRe43ogkVRc66NrA8XVC8HgCfzxh6RL
<DASH/Dash> XrVp3Gk8ynw1dksTPyasaCQaJfPSf6L6Xg
<UNO/Unobantium> ueE8BBzKjqqHWmUJ1sgaoAe1JxJkj9sTbf
<XVG/Verge> DBfuDntRmTSWDjBa3N5628Hb5G6sGoFNFQ
<VTC/VertCoin> Vhv8wngnuDpkGytSAGCPn9XZifSqj78VeK
<ABN/AbnCoin> BD3tiuLZH9Pg32ChCRhADGK3d673nryV6p
<ZEC/ZCash> t1Qnzipgc5An79kbWM5vmJeQN1KtziwhJdh
<REP/Augur> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<ICN/Iconomy> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<GNT/Golem> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<GNO/Gnosis> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<DGD/DigixDAO> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<BCP/BlockchainCapital> 0xcceaebb0fce3e6186a1f1d0aebf3006d2957c63f
<AC/AsiaCoin> ASr1DpG1kMPNsegbLWUzQacbTgr6ckQYGT
<AUR/Auroracoin> AbrQddThbnb8Bt1kCoeNEQe7EnqYe7rpR9
<BTA/Bata> BLVPsHvrYwXTvnixvLyhgueaM1w9PeGrst
<XBC/Bitcionplus> B7koYLiguMgurLNj8Gj5LT1cECV7U5xqA2
<BLK/Blackcoin> BEgqzN4iapziYyCQR5k9ZRaP5kojrH6PsM
<CDN/CanadaEcoin> CTXkA3BtSDyhmbfWsJ9G3GYUVPu5APv7VU
<STRAT/Stratis> Sa3xTvueRsTqJQqVziCpDtBgyfug8cGDUT
<ZEC/Zcash> t1JVa4EQgg3UuuhezrR4qC26gzv8RL41nEx
<DGB/Digibyte> DMVbrTk7H6bKMLg32UHA4McamRmVUqRrds
<CLAM/Clams> xSi52XipmQ7ueKpoxQEWXuzsS3sBxwcWbZ
<EMC2/Einsteinium> EYk1XNrn4e9QL2kz9KGNS3pGB4LMxn62Sc
<GAME/GameCredits> GgePKmfSKJCuvPJjDFbbtruPWTbys99UwU
<NMC/Namecoin> MyXLGraGkH4eEXdj29dnZ5kzsYgtgYXwiY
<SYS/Syscoin> Sfy4WjTh95WwCXJjvy6qw2vMxNokhvafAW
<POT/Potcoin> PA7aTvRCw93jbe8jHjkwbs2R4Rq6FoMnax
<CCN/Cannacoin> CZ7w97jvfUYnQx4xhucbyc8FfD9Fttwqt2
<PIVX/Pivx> DHNhX6tQkhAGCEdB2trtQvisSMEo9hGC9D
<POSW/POSWcoin> PLokV1Vnxv4TduA47RiCfo1kCYsNj76mTb
<LCB/LBRY Credits> bLV3rgCiRY2xCcUSrJRMyKB7pHB6CeptBp
PSS: Don't forget to upvote and feel free to post what coin you donated it will give me infusion to keep creating even more reports in the future! Every little bit helps and I thank you in advance for your donation! (even a tiny one!)
I jumped in the boat too.
Nice use case for an alt-coin.
Very good post. I was about to start a similair discussion. The future is in blockchain. Crypto prices might be inflated now but the market will find it's way just like it did with the Internet boom. I was researching a way to do better investment analysis on the current cryptos. I really advice people to take a look at: https://www.coincheckup.com I'm really happy with this site that gives complete coin analysis for every single crypto. Check: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Basic Attention Token#analysis For the Basic Attention Token Indepth analysis