
You sure that was me? I don't hold any bitconnect.

Hopefully you commented on whoever's post it was so you can find it again!

My bad. I thought that was your video. The guy in the video said there were 3 coins that paid (dividends so to speak) for holding coins. Steem power, NEO and Bitconnect. So i have 2 of the three and that peaked my curiosity. Where did you get the video?

No worries @retired20usaf

Although I find him a bit tedious sometimes, I'm subscribed to his channel on YouTube.

The channel is ChampaignCrypto . You can subscribe here

I do warn you that sometimes the speculative remarks are a bit much and the style, but he does give the odd great insight or video.

My favourite is DataDash as you might have seen that I post of lot of his analysis of coins. He's a great analyst and very fair in what he's saying. You can find his channel [here}(

I hope this helps!

Thank you my friend, great info. Hopefully i can repay the favor some day.

Most welcome @retired20usaf we gotta help each other when we get chance or it'll be much harder for the world to get better for us all!