
Looks like it's probably these guys..

So sick of these hack ICO's and I know a lot of people here are a a fan of EOS

Where's the bottom?

i'm thinking 160ish. 130/40 at the worst but who knows. Way only $100 in may

im glad at this moment i was not able to start buying ETH because its dropping significantly, still i prefer bitcoin , LTC and STEEm/ SBD. although BTC is going down. im still positive for the future to rise again and again.

yeah long term i am still very bullish. i think a lot of people are out here waiting to catch the bottom.

You would think that the people behind these ICOs would liquidate their earnings responsibly so that they can maintain current value instead of capsizing it.

They earned so much more money than they need they likely just dont mind losing a few million. Also it becomes a race to get out which will snowball the effect