Since the announcement of the creation of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency critics and positions contrary to the development of this cryptoactive have not stopped arising. There are more than 1600 cryptocurrencies in the world working, but it's the Venezuelan that bothers, which will fail, the one that nobody will want, which countries will discard, I wonder why?
Look, their detractors say that the Petro are Venezuelan debt bonds disguised, but a bonus is a certificate signed between a debtor and a creditor with a commitment to pay a certain amount with a set payment time, this has nothing to do with Petro a cryptocurrency.
Petro is not the first developed Venezuelan cryptocurrency, there is already a call ONIX with a very interesting Project that you can know from your web page.
Onix did not receive any attack, and is quoted quietly in YOBIT without major problem.
Because of the terrible economic situation in Venezuela, many make fun of the price of Petro (initially $ 60) and that the average Venezuelan will not be able to acquire. Obviously you can not buy 1 full Petro just as many people in the world can not buy 1 Bitcoin, but in the same way you can acquire fractions of it, for a price that if you can pay, for example about 0.0003 Petros, extrapolating that amount to satoshis Bitcoin would be about $ 2, in the same way would be with the Petro.
Many things are not yet clear: As the house of exchange of cryptoactives will accept the Petro? How will the new sanctions of the United States government affect its use? Can it be mined?
With this analysis I do not intend to offend or disturb anyone, it is a reflection that I leave open to improve our approaches regarding Petro, a mechanism that seeks to solve several serious problems that the Venezuelan government has for commercial exchange with foreign currency, which it can be used for purposes other than those raised but it is not my objective to discuss them here.
The desire of all Venezuelans is to overcome the crisis and if this cryptoactive can help to a lesser or greater degree, let's hope it works, but learn to advance more as a nation.
Follow me and I follow you, do not forget to comment and vote.
Until next time.
This post has received a 0.52 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @robertalvarez.
Thanks @drotto
As a first observation, you call a genocidal Tyranny "government"; second and not to go into detail, is the spirit with which that "cryptocurrency" was created. Those who caused the crisis will not solve it.
""As to observation, you call first to genocidal Tyranny "government"
Genocide: A person that you annihilate in a systematic and intentional to a social group
Tyrant: Applies to a person who obtains a State form of Government illegitimate e imposes its will without sticking to justice or reason
Do you mean the United States or of Venezuela?
"second and not to go into detail, is the spirit with which that "cryptocurrency "was created." "Those who caused the crisis will not solve it. "
Yet it is too early to know exactly if resolved the crisis, if it will help, but has not even started to commercialize in any currency exchange to predict that resolved nothing
Greetings and thanks for commenting.
Me declaro analfabeta ( si se puede utilizar el término) en lo referente a las cirptomonedas, pero vivo en Venezuela, y sufro la crisis, la escasez de alimentos y de medicinas, y la incertidumbre en el futuro de todos los que aca viven. El Petro,es una moneda digital lanzada por el gobierno, razon por la cual ya causa desconfianza, no se mina, por tanto dicen que no entra dentro del rango de criptomoneda, el gobierno le pone valor y la respalda con petróleo, oro, diamantes y todo lo que haga falta, entiendo que de esa manera se empeña de nuevoo el futuro económico de la nacion. El gobierno lo pone en subasta y anuncian que fue una superventa, cuando la realidad parece ser otra.
Nos beneficia a los ciudadanos esa moneda, NOOOOOOO, el ciudadano comun quiere tener luz y agua, quiere comida en la mesa todos los dias, quiere medicinas, quiere seguridad, quiere tranquilidad, quiere futuro, quiere vida, porque estamos muriendo poco a poco . A la inmensa mayoria le ayuda con la crisis el Petro, NOOOOOOO, al ciudadano que cada dia arranca a trabajar temprano y no sabe si volverá a su casa, que llega tardea trabajar y al colegio porque no hay transporte, que tiene hambre porque el dinero no alcanza, que muere porque no tiene medicinas, al ciudadano que se le va la famila y amigos del país buscando un mejor futuro. A ese ciudadano no le importan las criptomonedas.
Yo sufro las mismas carencias que tu, y no eres analfabeta en el tema de las criptomonedas porque escribes aca, y la base de todo steemit es la criptomoneda steem. Efectivamente en esta fase el Petro no va a solucionar nada, aun no esta disponible para el venezolano común, pero si funciona es un ingreso que entraría a la nación y se podrían resolver una serie de inconvenientes que actualmente vivimos tu y yo, como todas esas cosas que dices y nombras en tu comentario. Como dije hay muchas cosas que aún no quedan claras, mi gran pregunta es que porque lo atacan tanto?? Gracias por comentar.
Hola, buenos dias, pienso que lo atacan por que temen que el gobierno lo puede utilizar para lavar dinero, y otros negocios turbios
Si puede ser, pero de las otras 1600 criptomonedas piensas tambien que se usen para tales fines ? o por lo menos algunas?
Imagino que algunos se estan haciendo muy ricos con las criptomonedas, y si los gobiernos de algunos paises las consideran ilegales, alguna razon deben de tener. La economia internacional se podrá ver afectada por esta economía virtual?
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