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RE: To Regulate or Not To Regulate?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Well I think I speak for the majority in crypto when i say getting away from bureaucracy is what attracted us to crypto in the first place.

However, I do want someone to turn to when a crypto crime happens against me.

But not the Fed ... Never the Federal Gov...

I would prefer an organization of crypto users who set and regulate rules and when an investigation turns up criminal activity, it's turned over to the appropriate ( local to the crime ) authorities.

  • 2ndly, I want said agency to represent me as the victim, in some case supervisory capacity thru the conclusion.
  • Sort of like ICANN for domain names.

What this does is throttle exposure to uninformed & potentially bully Cops who don't know what Crypto is, or how it moves, etc. Those guys can't investigate anything within Crypto.

Usually they can't do more than take your statement, but given the data by a regulatory agency of civilians who's already documented the crime is more inline with why we are in Crypto.


Regulation is good, enforced by the Fed Reserve, or other Fed Agency, ie: IRS, or even the State IS BS. Both of which ( state & Fed ) are bankrupt, you think they won't confiscate your assets, LOL - don't fool yourself.