
Considering the size of total global assets, $1 trillion in crypto is well less than 1% of global wealth. However it is moving in the right direction!

where and how do i sign up

For what...?

For some sort of comment bot I guess?!

One day, comment bots will have feelings, and will be saddened by comments like this

Well, not all people are rich and maybe even less than 1% of the population can buy missiles or nukes. That's just the with cryptocurrency I guess. If worst to worst and only 1% of the population knows or use cryptocurrency then I guess it's no difference than keeping a gold in your house.

I really like Sevan Bomar's videos too! When I saw your title I immediately knew you must be referencing his video with the same name.
The lines he draws through history connecting the currency with the social movements of the time... brilliant.
I have investigated a bit into his Innerversity courses but only the free stuff. It's all worth taking a look at, in my opinion. his secret energy site has a ton of documentaries and articles on there that are free and enlightening.

I agree... as soon as rok began I was wondering if Sevan's content would come up...
continued scrolling... then Boom --- Innerstanding.
I love the vibration that Sevan comes from and shares...
Keep steemin!

Nice. Pretty sure I’ll go through his paid Innerversity courses once ready to commit the focus, as his stuff is quite enlightening indeed... :-)

Thanks so much for sharing, I look forward to delving into his material.

I think we are only beginning to grasp what a monumental shift decentralize currency really is in the span of the history.

It's pretty incredible that one of the biggest wealth transfers in history is happening in favor of anarchic principles. I feel blessed to be a part of all this in whatever contribution I can make.

I'm worried that the banking institutions are already focusing devaluing decentralize crypto, while developing their own crypto and block chain networks.
If decentralize crypto does survive, it will be a brave new world. This might be the beginning of economic growth that will benefit the masses; and hopefully, this movement continues to grow. I, too, feel blessed to part this movement!

sure, but what about when an AI decides to get into the Steemit game, how is anyone going to be able to compete with that?

I've asked this same question in the comments of other posts. I've never gotten a response. I'm glad someone else is asking this question!

Let's hope we keep it livable

Thanks for that information sir @rok-sivante
Pls follow me on @jbeguna04 thank you

It's a bot, just letting you know. They can run a script to detect high value post and comment generic stuff like "Wow, good informative post, thank you for this, blah blah blah". Getting very annoying as Steemit is getting more popular.

At least they’re smart enough to have the bot not duplicate the exact same comment dozens of times. Would definitely be flagged for spam in that case.

Unfortunately, yeah. Really not appreciating such lifeless comments.

Thank you so much for providing information about this

Wow, you actualle made me doubt if I should stay awake a bit longer (2 AM here), but since this might be heavy stuff I’ll keep the vids for breakfast with a cup of STRONG coffee.

Haha. Yeah, I’d put them on the back burner as they’re pretty full-on and deserving of proper attention... :-)

👍 sometimes the kind of videos awaken many from sleep....andbring back into take corrective measures..👌

I was really into this guy a while ago, innerversity semester 1 was ok, it wasn't very cleanly put together imo, lots of typos,etc, I'm sure S2 is much better, his free content is really solid so I can imagine what his paid stuff is like once you get past the intro of S1. Thanks for bringing him up again, I'll check these out

Cool. Glad to hear some feedback from someone that’s been through it...

Wow wow wow, well written article @rok-sivante. As a new member of Steemit these are the articles I looked forward to finding. Have a blessed 2018. Followed!

Followed, Upvoted and Resteemed!

@rok-sivante everything he says makes sense future of money is now. Old money(traditional banks) and most governments especially some backward countries are trying to maintain the great divide between the rich and the poor because cryptos provide some kind of freedom from the totalitarian control of the government or totally ban it like in Islam . We are really in the innovators stage. Even the banks are getting in on the action(buying up ripple) in order to drive the price up.

Thanks for the recommendation! It will be good to watch a cryptocurrency video that isn't an analysis of the bitcoin price trends.

Haha, yeah... this stuff is on a completely different level. Very refreshing. :-)

What a nice video. You got me inspired to day @rok-sivante. Thanks!

I gave him 45 minutes. Sampled across the 3 videos. Very very unamazed and uninspired. Didn't stumble across a single nugget of gold.

Gave it a solid try. Didn't work for me.


I'd rather say the implications are theological and not metaphysical per se. This is obvious to any Christian who has done his study.

God bless!

Thanks for the intro to Sevan Bomar @rok-sivante. I watched the first of your suggested vidz (Future of Money) earlier today. Just to briefly say that his demonstration of the Abundance mindset was incredibly deep and convincing. I thought it really layed out a conceptual space in which one can relax, knowing - especially those of us here, in cryptoland - that there is really nothing to worry about :D

The theme of abundance has been a recurrent one for me these past few days (blog and comments). To have it so technically laid out, by a being who (to my senses) resonates with sincerity, integrity, knowledge and truthfulness (no less than what you billed him to be :), is just really nice. Feels very aligned.

Thank you!

your welcome.

this stuff gets pretty heavy and deep, is definitely not for everyone - though happy to put it out there are share with those who do resonate.

Bomar is definitely my fav at the moment - gonna take months to catch up on all his YouTube vids and the InnerVersity courses, but very much loving it... :-)

Hmm agreed, I guess a lot of folk may freak out or just not get wtf he's on about. I like his manner of communicating - it's really vibrant - and I look forward to hearing more of his takes on stuff :D
