in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Leave it to those hilarious Chinese Communists, the kings and queens of oppression, to rip off the name of that late 90's all time symbol of liberty from the Matrix. Does it seem a little weird, sick even, that the Chi-Com's chose the name NEO for their sorry ass excuse for an alt-coin. Why couldn't they just come up with some other shit name like they do for everything else? Really though, what else should we expect from a bunch of ass-shats that turn pacifists who do girly exercises into organ donors for rich foreigners? Come on, really? You want to buy crypto from these crooks and then bitch when they crap on your coin by threatening to outlaw ICO's. Personally I don't buy coins from people whose website sucks and believe me the Chi-Com's stunk this one up big time. Here have a look a the 'website' in question:

You know why it sucks? Because nobody dares create anything in China because some douche bag Chi-Com party member might be offended and decide to make your ass an organ donor that's why! Neo is a commie front coin which they plan to use to track every economic move made by the user. You buy the wrong thing and the Chi-Com's will have your ass the same way they do the folks doing the girly exercises. This frigging coin is a cheap Chinese knock off and if you can't tell that by the sorry ass excuse of a website that looks like it was copied by an eighth grader then go buy some Neo before they change the name again. As for me I want nothing to do with the organ stealing Chi-Com's or their crap-coins. There I said it.



Do you really think ETH is somehow better? Don't kid yourself. The whole crypto market is ultimately an attempt to get the masses onto digital currency. Read this linked article to understand much more. NEO is just a way to get to the Chinese market. Are the Chi-Coms total MFers? Absolutely, they are one of the most oppressive and disgusting regimes on the planet. Have you stopped buying everything else from China accordingly? I highly doubt it. The simple answer is that you can't even avoid buying Chinese products or parts today, so I wouldn't get your undies in a twist over NEO specifically. Unfortunately, you won't save the Falun Gong organ theft victims by avoiding NEO or any other Chinese product - as sad as it is to say. The Chinese people need to do an uprising themselves to get out from under the thumbs of the Chi-Coms. I'm at a loss as to how to support this effectively.

privacy coins are a start i believe. pivx, verge, ect

The privacy coins are certainly a good start for people to take back their money and their information, but they won't take us all the way there. The sad side of these things is that if the vast majority of people (e.g. China) are too ignorant or misinformed, you have no way to help them because they won't even help themselves. You have no chance. The most important thing that has to happen first is to wake people up. This is why I write the posts I do on my Steemit blog. People need to know what the truth of their situation is and then they can do something for themselves about it.