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RE: I Received a Cease & Desist from a Bitconnect Promoters Attourney

The funniest part of the letter is that this individual never promoted a ponzi scheme and never in promoting fraud/fraudulant activity/ or illegal activity.

Pon·zi scheme
ˈpänzē ˌskēm/Submit
a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.

Belief in a nonexistent enterprise...check, fostered by payment of quick returns....check, returns the first investors money from money invested by later investors....check.

It looks to me like Bitconnect checks all three criteria for what a ponzi scheme is.

Add to that the State of Texas as well as another state which slips my mind has called Bitconnect an unregistered security so best case scenario anyone promoting Bitconnect was promoting an illegal unregistered security, worst case scenario and in my opinion and by all accords pretty much according to the definition of a ponzi scheme Bitconnect was one.

I probably won't mention a name but definitely gonna put together a video this weekend.


It is pretty aggravating for sure and especially since we are self regulated it becomes a big part to call these idiots out....etc.

In the end like I have said before I don't really know what should happen to these fools. If nothing else I just want to see them lose all credibility and there following on all social media.

But yeah I know the uneasy feeling of even being threatened by these douche bags.