hey @oldman28 so just went back and took a closer look at it. Initial impressions, it's smaller than I expected it to be, not that that's really important but just something I noticed. Feel of the plastic in terms of build quality, it is light, not saying cheap but also doesn't strike me as heavy duty either. It will be sitting in my safe though not something I'm going to carry around so not concerned about that. Mini USB or android connection plug or whatever you call that seems to be decent, not something I'm going to be plugging in and out like a mouse or a data usb so not really concerned about wear and tear but seems like it should hold up well.
I initially was leaning towards the Ledger however the Trezor seemed from watching videos a bit more intuitive and user friendly and also it was available now as opposed to September or October on the ledger. You can get a ledger on eBay or Amazon but I think close to $300.
Thanks I am still on the fence but will order one to check out. I think I can easily sell locally if I don't like it since there is no local store carrying them.
Hey @Oldman28 I'm sure you'll have no problem reselling a sealed one however unfortunately I don't think it's something you can open, test out, use and then resell. I think there is a way to reset the pin and seed so I guess technically speaking someone may buy a used one cheap and reset it but honestly personally I'd be hesitant to buy a new one so if you did order one I wouldn't plan on being able to try it and resell it as I dont know if you'll have a buyer that way.
that said I dont think you can go wrong with either. I'd suggest watching some Youtube videos and seeing which seems more user friendly to you and go with that one.