
yes this is great news dude! We all knew regulations were coming in 2018 and it will forever change the landscape of crypto. I think for the better. I hope they do find a better way forward for ICO's though and I still want my crypto classified as a currency and NOT a security!

I honestly couldn’t even believe what I was hearing when I listened to it. I was bracing for even more bad news! It seemed so positive in comparison to all of the FUD that has been slamming crypto over the last month. I think it was enough to turn around the market for now, still holding my breath though and haven’t reinstalled Blockfolio on my phone... yet 😂

Yeah if this holds up for a couple days I think we could be on some solid footing. I was watching Supoman this morning and I like him but his channel has become pretty much just an ICO pumping channel. I've never been huge on ICO's but lately had been getting more interested however following this news it looks to me at least like ICO's are pretty much done for US Customers

Bitcoin is one of the biggest opportunities since the invention of the internet itseif....great times to be around....