Hey thanks for the info. I find it very interesting as I am deeply interested in buying some onions :-)could you suggest whats the best way to buy onions today? Is there a way i can use FIAT money (euros)to buy Onions? Would appreciate your advise. Have a good day ahead.
I heard on their communinity that its only possible to buy onions from BTC and ETH.
Yes that's a common issue right now, only a few crypto-currencies can be bought with FIAT.
Here you will see all the trading pairs and exchanges.
As you will see onion could be traded against BTC / LTC / DOGE only on Cryptopia.
But a new exchange Kucoin will add DeepOnion soon so stay tuned! To know which coin you can use to buy onions (or any other coin) you can go to coinmarketcap in the Markets tab: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/deeponion/#markets
Anyway investing in DeepOnion seems a good idea congrats! :)