
Good day, I look you are also engaged in earnings in the network!
Here I want to suggest you have time to earn!
The new Bitconet in the ICO EthConect stage if you did not have time to buy the cheap tokens in the Bitcoat, then go to EthConect to buy at 0.50 $

The Bitconect coin is traded in the coin markent in the top on the 8th place by capilization and its price is today $ 218, and a year ago it was only $ 0.20, just like Ethconect now has only 0.50 $ to buy tokens!

If it is interesting Here are a couple of similar projects also at the ICO stage

  1. the price of the token is 1OAC = BTC 0.0000871547 1OAC = USD 0.65

  2. price of the token NXC = 0.00011303
    NXC = 0.85

  3. price of the token 1 UCH = 0.8 USD y
    This is all analogies of the projects Bitconnect, Ethconnect ... buy at least a minimum of tokens in each project and hold at least a year and you are gilded!

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