If I recall there was also some minor anger when they increased the amount of Siacoin by injecting some into the company's holdings.
It were just thoughts about possible options.
They didn't make any coins and now 100% will not make coins due "agreement" after donation/grant from some chinese guy.
So Nebulus still dont have any siacoins "in company", only siafunds.
Would be great if you will edit/clarify it, to avoid some bad effects :)
Ok, done.
Thank you.
Some proofs:
Original comment about "injecting some SC"
"it was not announce of real plans"
~~~ embed:siacoin/comments/6m872o/utaek42_casually_mentions_that_they_are/djzoz69/ reddit metadata:fHNpYWNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL3NpYWNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvNm04NzJvL3V0YWVrNDJfY2FzdWFsbHlfbWVudGlvbnNfdGhhdF90aGV5X2FyZS9kanpvejY5L3w= ~~~
"they still have no Sc" :)
"no hardfork now or future"
Fair enough, I will do, thanks for clearing that up.