So Continuing on my series on how to earn crypto for free without any monetary investment , Today We are going to discuss about TFB Blackstar App from which you can earn tfbx tokens that are to replace tfb tokens at exchanges. I come to know about truefeedback through topixer, a platform very similar to Publish0x. Want to know about topixer click on the link below.
So coming back to TFB Blackstar, here you are rewarded with tfbx tokens for completing tasks, surveys, ads and some games.
Pros -
I earned 7 dollars of tfbx tokens in 3 days time
Seems Legitmate to me
Nice user interface.
Cons - Discussing about the cons
High withdrawl limit
Tfbx not yet replaced tfb
Surveys are rare
Can earn about 7 dollars in 3 days but afterwards its difficult to gather tfbx tokens
Wanna try
Use my referral code it will benefit both of us.
Your BlackStar Reference Code: AIM43GPA
Thanks for reading.
This should not be taken as financial advice.