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RE: Trolls from YouTube Destroyed Our Marketing Team and Our ICO

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The truth is something more like this:
The people involved with Troy (if any real people indeed) realized they were involved with someone of very dubious character and decided to leave!
Which sounds 1000 times more likely than Troy's conspiracy theory.


Oh is that how Doc does it? Deletes his comment after you flag it?
Then you waste more voting power flagging it again later?
Is that the formula Troy?? Is that the ticket?

Oh, I dont mind if you keep doing that. I do believe that your rep score is reduced a bit at a time either way.

The people who like and enjoy my "keeping in real" commenting style offset your butthurt flags. My income is rock solid, not dependent on such trivialities, how bout you? I remember clearly you complaining in SteemitAbuse chat about your power being low and having to "fight off trolls"! They told you to pound sand. They weren't going to fight your lame battles for you. Again Troy Reid you don't want to provoke me to the point I decide to throw a few grand into SteemIt and visit daily along with Ryan. Right now I have other things taking up my entertainment hours. You should let sleeping dogs lie...and take those flags off my posts while you're at it, I'm offended ;)
Peace to muhpeeps out there!

Oh, the abusive troll is offended?

You demand I remove the flags from your attacks on myself on my own blog?

How about you stop harassing me and down voting my little helpless channel which I paid for myself with my own money?

You whiny little troll.

You sure can dish it out but you cry like a baby when you get it back?

Get off my back.

Get off my blog

Stop down voting my young account!!!!!

The stupid thing is you are here harassing me and then whining when I downvote your harassing comments.


Go away then.

This your 'extreme arrogance' mental illness talking Trog. You don't own the fucking channel. Not yours cause belongs to the hosting company so is steemit. You post and comment here but don't own shit, Mr Big Pants asshole. You been a little TURD your entire life and just can't stand it so gotta act big and important. You have no skills, degrees or credentials and really have NOTHING TO OFFER SOCIETY other than take with nothing to give. You are as worthless as your effin coin.

"How about you stop harassing me and down voting my little helpless channel which I paid for myself with my own money?
You whiny little troll." where di you get this money? Are you employed and working for the man?

Why are you so hateful and angry?
You should listen to yourself sometime. If you blow your top like that at any "full time job" - that you may or may not have - you just might have an issue.
SteemIt isn't the place for you sadly :(

You keep greying out a black man you RACIST BASTARD. Your friend, hb.

Poor, poor little man.

no troy it doesnt affect your rep until the flagged comment receives multiple flags from higher reps than you or higher sp. if your theory was true then my rep would be going down not up lol...

I am higher than both of you. Its not much but it drops some.

That is why I am upset with him for slamming my brand new account that I paid for in full with my own money.

He was much higher than my new little account and he hurt it badly.

lol you may be 2.4 rep higher than me but your Sp is 400 give or take and mine is nearly doubled that. so if you actually knew how the system worked you would understand how you are not hurting me by your flags. also if i can delete the comment you flagged then it is no longer counted against me but you still lose the power % needed to flag me. im sure your little brain cant understand this after all you couldnt finish college and must have repeated many grades in grade school. you think i destroyed your mysthrio account by knocking it down to 0.5 wait till you see what im about to do next. you messed with the wrong person and in the wrong place. your only hope is to admit you lied and quit your scams.

You see, you slammed my poor little channel which I bought with my own money. You took away my earnings and reduced my reputation.

That did not make me feel very happy with you.

I paid for that account myself in full with my own earnings.

I’m sure that if you paid for it was the first thing you ever paid for on you own, you are to stupid to handle any type of responsibility, that’s why you are always running to mommy for help. You don’t have a clue about being a man. You disgusting waste of skin.

This your 'extreme arrogance' mental illness talking Trog. You don't own the fucking channel. Not yours cause belongs to the hosting company so is steemit. You post and comment here but don't own shit, Mr Big Pants asshole. You been a little TURD your entire life and just can't stand it so gotta act big and important. You have no skills, degrees or credentials and really have NOTHING TO OFFER SOCIETY other than take with nothing to give. You are as worthless as your effin coin.

Troy, when in the last 6 years have you had your own money? You've been begging and scamming for everything you got.

you dont earn any money you little cunt. its other peoples money you spend. sitting on your ass all day and night while your socalled wife (slave) gets designated to do all the work besides take care of your kid that you totally ignore. oh believe me shes gonna be leavin your ass when she gets her green card. shes looking for a real man to take your place as i type. since youre no man you are very easy to replace. enjoy payin that child support you worthless motherfucker! hardeharhar! the judge is gonna order you to pay. since you dont have a job hes gonna throw your ass in jail. hes going to MAKE YOU GET A JOB OR THROW YOU IN PRISON. and the child support keeps addin up while youre in the joint and when you get out theyll be takin all your wages and youll have to go live in a tent somewhere. now youre really OFFGRID motherfucker.

I find it so funny that you trolls attack and harass and bully someone to death.

But when they stand up for themselves - you cry and whine and complain to no end.

thediyworld (58) · 2 hours ago
I find it so funny that you trolls attack and harass and bully someone to death.

Obviously the job is not done yet but we will "finish that later.

oh yeah? who went cryin like a whiny fuckin cunt to the whales asshole? it wasnt us.

So you think I should just sit here and let you slander me all over the internet without reacting?

no dumbass. we think you should get off the internet and get a job. or at least look at porn like normal men do that have jobs and do it after work.scamming and conning for an income doesnt enter our heads.

I see you down voted my blog article again, reducing my income.

That is a cowardly act.

Especially when you whine and complain when I gray out your harassing and slanderous comments about me on my own blog.

just wait troy as i got a surprise coming for you lol...

Good. Share your harassment of me here for all to see.

Backs my words quite nicely.

nobody cares about your crying lying words troy. but they do care about hearing the truth i and others speak. hence why your social media status is crumbling. get a job loser. stop scamming people.

@fixedbydoc I love surprises, but I doubt Trog is gonna like yours.

Turd is going to cry to MOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!!!!!!

hey you lazy fucker. get a job and do a good job and nobody can reduce your income you stupid fucker! you are not only extremely lazy but stupid to boot.

•[-]sass (47) · 1 hour ago
The truth is something more like this:
The people involved with Troy (if any real people indeed) realized they were involved with someone of very dubious character and decided to leave!
Which sounds 1000 times more likely than Troy's conspiracy theory.

2 votes

Facts please?

State the facts to back your accusations.

Otherwise they just criminal harassment.

cant be any more criminal than ebegging by constant lieing to get sympathy donations,harrassment of seriously ill people to continue donations they can no longer afford to give you and the fact that youre just a lazy piece of scum reid.

sass (47) · 2 hours ago

The truth is something more like this:
The people involved with Troy (if any real people indeed) realized they were involved with someone of very dubious character and decided to leave!
Which sounds 1000 times more likely than Troy's conspiracy theory.

Sounds like some serious accusations.

Now, unless you can back that with factual evidence. I mean hardcore evidence, then your statements are simply criminal harassment.

yes troy what you have done is serious in the eyes of the government and the law. if i were you i would delete all your accounts and postings and flee the country before they come for you. you know the second you get arrested mel loses her visa status and it will be all your fault for committing the crimes you did. stop blaming the honest good people who turned you in and take responsibility for your own actions.

thats ok doc. troys bored with his slave and doesnt like his own kid and theyre both a financial drag on him so who cares?

yep i remember how he bragged he was going to have a boy first then a girl. when the girl came he was so disappointed and you could tell he wanted nothing to do with her. he wouldn't even hold her for the longest time until everyone started asking him why he never holds his baby. you can tell he never wanted a daughter... not a lie but an observation from an outside point of view. an educated opinion...

all anyone has to do reid is watch your moral decline by ebegging and scamming from video one on up. if this wasnt your goal from day one then why record your misery in the first place? when i was homeless those 3.5 yrs i certainly didnt do what you did. i was ashamed of myself for being in that situation and didnt plaster my plight all over the internet.i rode a bike 6 miles into town looking for a job. any job. i suffered a helluva lot more than you did asshole. no heat or electric in a leaky pickup topper on 4x4s at the old farm i used to live at. i did get food stamps or i would have starved to death and was so grateful to get the help. enough blankets and sleeping bags and yull stay warm.even at -10 f. you got nothin on me motherfucker in the way of suffering. survivalist my ass you lowdown piece of shit.

sass (47) · yesterday

The truth is something more like this:
The people involved with Troy (if any real people indeed) realized they were involved with someone of very dubious character and decided to leave!
Which sounds 1000 times more likely than Troy's conspiracy theory.

7 votes
